CAOS-Programmierung: Befehlsgruppen: Script Numbers
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Script Numbers
Number | Name | Description |
0 | Deactivate | Called when the agent receives a deactivate message. |
1 | Activate 1 | Called when the agent receives an activate 1 message. |
2 | Activate 2 | Called when the agent receives an activate 2 message. |
3 | Hit | Called when the agent receives a hit message. |
4 | Pickup | Called when the agent has been picked up by something other than a vehicle. |
5 | Drop | Called when the agent has been dropped by something other than a vehicle. |
6 | Collision | Called when the agent collides with an obstacle. _P1_ and _P2_ are the x and y components of the collision velocity. |
7 | Bump | Called when a creature walks into a wall. |
8 | Impact | Called when an agent's presence impacts with another agent's presence (this is assuming both agents have their presence switched on). |
9 | Timer | Called at a regular time interval, as set by TICK. |
10 | Constructor | Called on creation. |
12 | Eat | Called when the creature eats something. |
13 | Start Hold Hands | Called when a creature starts holding hands with the pointer. |
14 | Stop Hold Hands | Called when a creature stops holding hands with the pointer. |
16 | Quiescent on Agents | Scripts 16 - 30 are executed on a creature when it decides to do something with its attention on an ordinary agent (rather than a creature). The script should perform this action. Quiescent means stand and watch it. The catalogue entry "Action Script To Neuron Mappings" maps the brain to these scripts, although which scripts require an it object are hard-wired. |
17 | Activate 1 on Agents | Activate 1 it. |
18 | Activate 2 on Agents | Activate 2 it. |
19 | Deactivate on Agents | Deactivate it. |
20 | Approach on Agents | Go up and look at it. |
21 | Retreat on Agents | Walk or run away from it. |
22 | Pickup on Agents | Pick it up. |
23 | Drop on Agents | Drop anything you're carrying. |
24 | Need on Agents | Say what's bothering you. |
25 | Rest on Agents | Becoming sleepy. |
26 | West on Agents | Walk idly to west. |
27 | East on Agents | Walk idly to east. |
28 | Eat on Agents | Eat it. |
29 | Hit on Agents | Hit it. |
30 | Undefined on Agents | For future expansion. |
31 | Undefined on Agents | For future expansion. |
32 | Quiescent on Creatures | Scripts 32 - 47 are executed on a creature when it decides to do something with its attention on another creature. Quiescent means stand and twiddle your thumbs. |
33 | Activate 1 on Creatures | Mating script. |
34 | Activate 2 on Creatures | Mating script. |
35 | Deactivate on Creatures | Deactivate it. |
36 | Approach on Creatures | Go up and look at it. |
37 | Retreat on Creatures | Walk or run away from it. |
38 | Pickup on Creatures | Pick it up. |
39 | Drop on Creatures | Drop anything you're carrying. |
40 | Need on Creatures | Say what's bothering you. |
41 | Rest on Creatures | Rest or sleep. |
42 | West on Creatures | Walk idly to west. |
43 | East on Creatures | Walk idly to east. |
44 | Eat on Creatures | Eat it. |
45 | Hit on Creatures | Hit it. |
46 | Undefined on Creatures | For future expansion. |
47 | Undefined on Creatures | For future expansion. |
64 | Flinch | Involuntary action called when the creature flinches. |
65 | Lay Egg | Involuntary action called when the creature lays an egg. |
66 | Sneeze | Involuntary action called when the creature sneezes. |
67 | Cough | Involuntary action called when the creature coughs. |
68 | Shiver | Involuntary action called when the creature shivers. |
69 | Sleep | Involuntary action called when the creature sleeps. |
70 | Fainting | Involuntary action called when the creature faints. |
71 | Unassigned | Involuntary action for future expansion. |
72 | Die | Special involuntary action called when a creature dies. Any death animations go here. |
73 | Raw Key Down | Called when a key is pressed and IMSK is set. The key code is sent in _P1_. |
74 | Raw Key Up | Called when a key is released and IMSK is set. The key code is sent in _P1_. |
75 | Raw Mouse Move | Called when the mouse moves and IMSK is set. The new x and y position is sent in _P1_ and _P2_ |
76 | Raw Mouse Down | Called when a mouse button is pressed and IMSK is set. The button is sent in _P1_ - 1 left, 2 right, 4 middle. |
77 | Raw Mouse Up | Called when a mouse button is released and IMSK is set. The button is sent in _P1_ - 1 left, 2 right, 4 middle. |
78 | Raw Mouse Wheel | Called when the mouse wheel is moved and IMSK is set. The delta value is sent in _P1_ - 120 units per 'click'. |
79 | Raw Translated Char | Called when a translated character is received and IMSK is set. For example, on Japanese systems the raw key down and up codes can be in Roman characters, but the Input Method Editor converts them to Japanese characters, which are sent to the game with this message. The translated key code is sent in _P1_. You can use this for character input, but it is easier to use PAT: TEXT. |
92 | UI Mouse Down | Called when the mouse clicks on an agent. |
101 | Pointer Activate 1 | Called on the pointer when an agent is activated 1. The script has the same classifier as the agent being activated. |
102 | Pointer Activate 2 | Called on the pointer when an agent is activated 2. The script has the same classifier as the agent being activated. |
103 | Pointer Deactivate | Called on the pointer when an agent is deactivated. The script has the same classifier as the agent being deactivated. |
104 | Pointer Pickup | Called on the pointer when an agent is activated 1. The script has the same classifier as the agent being activated. |
105 | Pointer Drop | Called on the pointer when an agent is dropped. The script has the same classifier as the agent being dropped. |
110 | Pointer Port Select | Called on the pointer when you manipulate a port. |
111 | Pointer Port Connect | Called on the pointer when you complete the connection between two ports. |
112 | Pointer Port Disconnect | Called on the pointer when you complete the disconnection of two previously connected ports. |
113 | Pointer Port Cancel | Called on the pointer if you cancel a port change part way through. |
114 | Pointer Port Error | Called on the pointer if there is some error with the configuration of ports the user is trying to make. |
116 | Pointer Clicked Background | Called when the pointer is clicked but there aren't any agents under it. |
117 | Pointer Action Dispatch | Called on the pointer to tell it what action clicking would take on the creature under it. _P1_ says what will happen: 0 means no action or not above a creature, 1 means deactivate (slap), 2 means activate 1 (tickle). |
118 | Connection Break | Called on an agent when any of its ports are broken as a result of exceeding the maximum connection distance. |
120 | Selected Creature Changed | Called on all agents with this script when the selected creature is changed by NORN. _P1_ is the new creature, _P2_ is the previously selected creature. |
121 | Vehicle Pickup | Called when an agent has been picked up by a vehicle. |
122 | Vehicle Drop | Called when an agent has been dropped by a vehicle. |
123 | Window Resized | Called on all agents with this script whenever the main view is resized. |
124 | Got Carried Agent | Tells an agent that they have just picked something up. |
125 | Lost Carried Agent | Tells an agent that they have just dropped something. |
126 | Make Speech Bubble | Called when a creature speaks, so scripts can display a speech bubble. Every agent which has this script is called. _P1_ is the text being spoken, _P2_ is the creature who is speaking. |
127 | Life Event | Called whenever there is a new life event, whether an event built into the engine, or a custom event sent with HIST EVNT. _P1_ is the moniker that the event happened to, _P2_ is the event number as an index into the events for that moniker. |
128 | World Loaded | Called when the world had just been loaded, whether from bootstrap or from a saved file.
Number Name Description |
135 | Net Online | Connection to the Babel server has been made. |
136 | Net Offline | Connection to the Babel server is broken. |
137 | User Online | User chosen with NET: WHON has gone online. _P1_ contains the user's id. |
138 | User Offline | User chosen with NET: WHON has gone offline. _P1_ contains the user's id. |
150 | Creature Navigation Callback Valid It | Called by the approach command with _P1_ and _P2_ set to the IT object's X and Y coordinates respectively. |
151 | Creature Navigation Callback Outside Room System | Called by the approach command when you are unable to use the CA because you're outside the room system. |
152 | Creature Navigation Callback Neighbour | Called by the approach command if there is no IT object. _P1_ and _P2_ are set to the X and Y coordinates of the room's centre with the highest (or lowest if retreating) smell of IT nearby. |
153 | Creature Navigation Callback Link | As for 152 but called when the best room is a link. |
154 | Creature Navigation Callback Current Room Best | As for 152 but called when the room you're in is already the best one. |
160 | Creature Ageing Callback | Called when the creature is about to age. _P1_ contains the value of the next age stage. |
200 | Mate | Reserved for use in the mating scripts, but not directly used by the engine. Tells a male to mate. |
255 | Agent Exception | This script specifies the behaviour when an agent tries to do something to an invalid agent. For example, if you try and access an OVxx with a NULL target. If this script isn't present for OWNR, you get a run time error. If it is present, that script is called and you can reset variables as necessary. |
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