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Tanzen: Figuren: Left Foot Closed Change

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< Tanzen

Step 1 2 3
Foot Position LF fwd RF side and sl fwd LF close
Alignment fDW fDW fDW
Amount of Turn no turn no turn no turn
Rise & Fall EW Com Rise thru 1 Cont Rise on 2-3 Lower e/o 3
Footwork HT T TH
CBM Sl on 1
Sway St L L
Head Weight C C C
Rhythm EW 1 2 3
Foot Position RF bwd LF side & sl back RF close
Alignment bDW bDW bDW
Amount of Turn no turn no turn no turn
Rise & Fall EW Com Rise thru 1. NFR Cont Rise on 2-3 lower e/o 3
Footwork TH T TH
CBM Sl on 1
Sway St R R
Head Weight C R R
Rhythm EW 1 2 3