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/* This gadget shows the real title of a page when {{DISPLAYTITLE:...}} is used. */

// <nowiki>
$(function () {
    // gadget shall only be active when viewing a page (not on edit or history pages)
    if (mw.config.get("wgIsArticle")) {
        // the displayed title of the page (content of <h1 id="firstHeading">...</h1>)
        var displayed_title = $("h1#firstHeading").first().text();
        // the actual title of the page
        var page_title = mw.config.get("wgPageName").replace(/_/g, " ");
        if (displayed_title && page_title && (displayed_title != page_title)) {
            // the displayed title does not match the actual page title
            //    -> show page title in <div id="contentSub">...</div>
            // the space in the end is necessary, because there might be a redirect notice in #contentSub
            var title_hint = $("<span/>").addClass("noprint").text("↳ Seite „" + mw.html.escape(page_title) + "“ ");

// </nowiki>