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Topic Fact Claim Don't
[1] A referendum took place to the question, if Morales could candidate for a third time. Morales lost the referendum, but still with 48,7%.
[2] Immediately before the referendum there was a mud campaigne from media of the opposition. Theme of the campagne was the accusation, that Morales had a liaison with a younger woman and a child with a her.
[3] The child never appeared, the woman was condemned for financial flaws.
[4] There was no court against the media
[5] Morales lost the referendum because of the campaigne
[6] A group of Morales party made a request at the constitutional court to still give him permission to candidate
[7] The court was not independend but unter control of the party of Morales
[8] The courts decision was based on the fact, that the constitution of bolivia ( Art. 13 Abs. IV) demands respect of human rights conventions, specially of the american convention of human rights, which states (Art. 23) the right of every citizen to candidate for presidancy without putting a limit
Bolivia has large natural gas reserves
Morales governement inhibited large companies to use this reserves only for their own profit and used most of the win for the good of the people (like Norway)
Bolivia has also large Lithium reserves
Lithium is an important metal for the evolving "green" industry. Ist important for reusable batteries.
Morales canceled shortly before the elections contracts with big companies (also german) concerning lithium, because they gave a small percentage for the people
[9] On the elections of Okt. 2019 the party of Morales had a majority (but for the first time after 14 years no absolut majority)
The difference to the second party was more than 10%, something that means, no second round is needed
[10] Immediately after the elections there were confirmed irregularities
[11] There were irregularities in the elections
[12] The party of Morales was responsible for these irregularities
[13] there was a coup d etat against Morales
[14] The new regime doesn't represent at all the people of Bolivia
The new regime made racist announcements against ethnic groups, thet represent the absolut majority of the people of bolivia
The new regime pretends to speak in the name of the katholic church (wihtout of course asking the pope)
[15] The new regime made already decisions that oppress human rights
[16] You can actually call this decision as the beginning of a civil war
The supporters of Morales decided to stop their reactions
[17] Due to this decision a civil war was avoided
[18] Short after the fall of Morales the shares of a company, that has to do with lithium, toped
  1. Vorlage:Cite news. I don't understand spanish, but I suppose you can find more sources about the event in the sources of the following wikipedia article. I would be glad, if someone could put the right sources in the right position.w:es:Gabriela_Zapata
  2. Vorlage:Cite news. I don't understand spanish, but I suppose you can find more sources about the event in the sources of the following wikipedia article. I would be glad, if someone could put the right sources in the right position.w:es:Gabriela_Zapata
  3. Vorlage:Cite news. I don't understand spanish, but I suppose you can find more sources about the event in the sources of the following wikipedia article. I would be glad, if someone could put the right sources in the right position.w:es:Gabriela_Zapata
  4. Vorlage:Cite news. I don't understand spanish, but I suppose you can find more sources about the event in the sources of the following wikipedia article. I would be glad, if someone could put the right sources in the right position.w:es:Gabriela_Zapata. An extra source here would be the register of every court case in Bolivien, but I don't know spanish, so I cannot find it.
  5. actually I believe that this is a fact, but have no reference, like a survey or the same, to support this. So, this is why I put it as a claim. Even if there is a survey, you have to find out if it s reliable... If someone has a source about this, please put it here.
  6. author. “Bolivia's President Evo Morales to Run Again Despite Referendum Ruling it Out”. journal, year.
  7. there are only claims in the newspapers and no investigation took place (or was even asked from the opposition?)
  8. Tribunal Constitucional permite a Evo Morales reelegirse para un cuarto mandato. El presidente de Bolivia podrá participar en las elecciones de 2019 después de que se suspendieran los artículos de la Constitución que prohibían la reelección. In: El País, 29. November 2018.
  9. there is actually absolute no report that claims the opposite
  10. OAS had to this point nothing more than evidence, no proof
  11. the commitee that did the control was also approved by the party of Morales
  12. The inverstigations just started, so we don't have any proof about this until now. Maybe ist true, maybe not. Its very doubtfull, if the investigations will be independent under the actual government. In the recent history is the case of a trojan not exactly rare-see for example how the second world war started
  13. this will be discussed in another template
  14. the new Governor belongs to a party that has less than 8% of the votes
  15. giving the army the ability to kill without need for excuse in "extreme" situations
  16. My opinion is actually that this is a fact, it's an open attack against the right of the people to react. But I still wanted to put it as a theme for discussion, maybe in another template
  17. just think what would happen, if they hadn't stopped
  18. I don't claim here, that this was the reason for the situation. Nobody except very few persons can really know this. But even if it's totally irrelevant to the situation, it's really interesting to note how the financial market reacts to political crises, dictatorships or whatsoever

I should also write somewhere, that the reach regions want to seperate from the poor. And that in these regions there is a strong representation of ethnic groups of colonialism forces.


↓Topic\Part of the Defitinion of a Putsch→ Yes
There were ways to solve the problem with legal meanings which were not used [1]
The military participated in the act[2]
The government members were intimitated [3]
The new regime was based on the army [4]
The new regime arrested (oder tried to arrest) all members of the government and the parlament [5]
The new regime violated the constitution [6]
The new regime violated human rights [7]
The new regime tried to suppress the mind of its opposition [8]
  1. The opposition had at least one legal way to defend it's position: accept the proposal of Morales for new elections. It is important to note that Morales had already accepted to do these repeated elections under the control of the international committee, a commitee the opposition itself had asked. Still the opposition demanded the resignation of the legal government (Vorlage:Cite news).
  2. how can it be, that something is and not is? well in this case it can: the army, at least during the act itself, didn't use it's weapons to abolish the legal government, on the other hand, it didn't protect the legal government, as it should, so it was a passive participation. The chief of the armed forces asked Morales to resign.(Vorlage:Cite news)
  3. ignoring the fact that in such cases it's very difficult do prove the case, I just let it so like it is. It is true, that the members of the Government and so on that resigned, claimed that they were intimidated and harassed. I don't know if they brought evidences for these claims (although I actually believe them), so I let it as a true claim in the list. (Vorlage:Cite news)
  4. I cannot really take a position here. Actually one day later it proved to be, that the new regime was actually based on the army (Vorlage:Citation/core)(Vorlage:Citation/core)(Vorlage:Citation/core)
  5. very few members of the Parlament were arrested but on the other hand, some members of the Governement fleed and almost all the members of the election committee (more than 80) were arrested. (Vorlage:Cite news)(Vorlage:Cite news)(Vorlage:Citation/core)(Vorlage:Citation/core)
  6. (Vorlage:Cite news)
  7. (Vorlage:Citation/core)
  8. (Vorlage:Citation/core)

I actually support the title of a coup d etat. On a cold blooded analysis I must admit, that this doesn't represent NPOV. On the other hand not mentioning coup d etat in the title violates exactly in the same way NPOV (there are quite enough arguments about this already, I don't want to repeat them here). Is there a title that can achieve consens and reflect both these edges? my answer ist:YES:

2019 Coup d etat (?) in Bolivia.

In this way we mention the fact that the situation has (actually almost all of) the characteristics of a coup d etat and (through the questionmark) that there are also characteristics, that don't represent a coup d etat (I mean: die Cocaleros are now actually deciding, who their new leader will be...). I hope that this suggestion will be accepted as soon as possible, in order to respect a last the NPOV fundamental principle of Wikipedia, which it's actually definitely NOT being respected (not taking position is definitely not a neutral position; if you have a different mind, I am eager to see it :-) )