Gambas: Tabelle: TableView3 Form1.class
$hData[10, 10] AS String $hColor[10, 10] AS Integer $iCurRow AS Integer $iCurColumn AS Integer PUBLIC SUB Form_Open() DIM x AS Integer DIM y AS Integer 'TableView vergrößern TableView1.Rows.Count = 10 TableView1.Columns.Count = 10 'und mit Werten füllen FOR x = 0 TO 9 TableView1.Columns[x].Title = x + 1 FOR y = 0 TO 9 $hData[x, y] = "Z " & (x + 1) & " - S " & (y + 1) $hColor[x, y] = &HFFFFFF& 'Standard-Hintergrundfarbe Weiß NEXT NEXT 'einige Zellen farbig $hColor[7,3] = &HFF00FF& $hColor[3,1] = &H00FFFF& $hColor[4,5] = &H0000FF& $hColor[9,0] = &H00FF00& $hColor[3,4] = &HFF0000& TableView1.Refresh TextBox1Hide 'Die TextBox vorerst verschwinden lassen ME.Center END PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click() ME.Close END PUBLIC SUB TableView1_Data(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer) TableView1.Data.Text = $hData[Row, Column] TableView1.Data.Background = $hColor[Row, Column] END PUBLIC SUB TableView1_Click() 'die angeklickte Zelle merken $iCurRow = TableView1.Row $iCurColumn = TableView1.Column TextBox1Show END PUBLIC SUB TextBox1Show() TableView1.MoveTo($iCurRow, $iCurColumn) WITH TableView1[$iCurRow, $iCurColumn] 'den Text der angeklickten Zelle in die TextBox kopieren TextBox1.Text = .Text 'und die TextBox genau über die Zelle plazieren TextBox1.Move(TableView1.X + .X + 1, TableView1.Y + .Y, .W - 1, .H) END WITH WITH TextBox1 .Background = $hColor[$iCurRow, $iCurColumn] .Border = FALSE .Raise .Show .SetFocus END WITH END PUBLIC SUB TextBox1Save() IF $hData[$iCurRow, $iCurColumn] <> TextBox1.Text THEN $hData[$iCurRow, $iCurColumn] = TextBox1.Text TableView1.Refresh ENDIF TextBox1Hide END PUBLIC SUB TextBox1Hide() TextBox1.Hide END PUBLIC SUB TextBox1_KeyPress() DIM iPos AS Integer SELECT Key.Code CASE Key.Up IF $iCurRow > 0 THEN iPos = TextBox1.Pos TextBox1Save DEC $iCurRow TextBox1Show TextBox1.Pos = iPos ENDIF CASE Key.Down IF $iCurRow < TableView1.Rows.Count - 1 THEN iPos = TextBox1.Pos TextBox1Save INC $iCurRow TextBox1Show TextBox1.Pos = iPos ENDIF CASE Key.Left IF $iCurColumn > 0 THEN IF TextBox1.Pos = 0 OR Key.Control = TRUE THEN TextBox1Save DEC $iCurColumn TextBox1Show TextBox1.Pos = If(Key.Control = TRUE, 0, TextBox1.Length) STOP EVENT ENDIF ENDIF CASE Key.Right IF $iCurColumn < TableView1.Columns.Count - 1 THEN IF TextBox1.Pos = TextBox1.Length OR Key.Control = TRUE THEN TextBox1Save INC $iCurColumn TextBox1Show STOP EVENT TextBox1.Pos = If(Key.Control = TRUE, TextBox1.Length, 0) ENDIF ENDIF CASE Key.Return TextBox1Save IF $iCurColumn < TableView1.Columns.Count - 1 THEN INC $iCurColumn ELSE IF $iCurRow < TableView1.Rows.Count - 1 THEN INC $iCurRow $iCurColumn = 0 ELSE $iCurRow = 0 $iCurColumn = 0 ENDIF TextBox1Show TextBox1.Pos = TextBox1.Length CASE Key.Esc TextBox1Hide END SELECT END PUBLIC SUB TableView1_MouseDown() IF TextBox1.Visible = TRUE THEN TextBox1Save END PUBLIC SUB TableView1_MouseWheel() IF TextBox1.Visible = TRUE THEN TextBox1Save END