Gutes Webdesign – von der Theorie in die Praxis/ Quellenverweis
[Bearbeiten]Verweise auf bisher verwertete Quellen
- [AJ00] Allsopp John (2000): A Dao of Web Design
- [AM12] Amy (2012): What is the Essence of Good Design?
- [BA08] Balboni Andrea (2008): The essence of good design: A discussion with Claudio Luti of Kartell
- [BN12] Barry Nathan (2012): Common mistakes when designing for mobile
- [BS08] Berkun Scott (2008): Why Designers fail und what to do about it
- [BS12] Byford Sam (2012): Good design is invisible: an interview with iA's Oliver Reichenstein
- [CC12] Unbekannt (2012): Elements of a Clean Web Design
- [CK12] Cheng Kelly (2012): red dot award: communication design 2012: Behind the Scenes
- [CR11] Cubbon Rob (2011): 4 Rules of Readability and Accessibility in Web Design
- [DA12] Debenham Anna (2012): Testing Websites in Game Console Browsers
- [FA02] Fogg et al. (2002): How Do People Evaluate a Web Site’s Credibility?
- [FB08] Fling Brian (2008): Mobile 2.0: Design & Develop for the iPhone and Beyond
- [FB12] Frost Brad (2012): The Many Faces of Mobile First
- [FS10] Facchinetti Serena (2010): UX design. What, how and why
- [GJ12] Gross Jason (2012): The Designer Will Make It Pretty / A Matter of Aesthetics
- [HT12] Halvorsen Tracey (2012): Adapt or Die, and The Fold is DEAD.
- [JF09]: Gastautor (2009): COPE Create Once Publish Everywhere
- [JN12] John (2012): What constitutes good design?
- [KO12] Kartak Oliver (2012): red dot award: communication design 2012: Behind the Scenes
- [LJ08] Lamantia Joe (2008): When Everyone is a Designer
- [LK12] Layon Kristofer (2012): Product Management for the Web
- [LL12] Lacour Laurent (2012): red dot award: communication design 2012: Behind the Scenes
- [MC10] Moll Cameron (2010): Good vs. Great Design
- [MM11] Mendo Manesh (2011): Webusability
- [MM12] Mesibov Marli (2012): Find the right words for your mobile... first
- [MR12] Van der Merwe Rian (2012): Managing user expectations in responsive design
- [MS11] Müller et Al(2011): The bias against creativity: Why people desire but reject creative ideas
- [MT12] Milway Tom (2012): Good Design is invisible, Reduce to the essence.
- [NN08] Nymann Niko (2008): The Value of User Experience
- [OJ10] O’Nolan John (2010): Stop Designing Aesthetics, Start Designing Emotions
- [PR12] Page Rich (2012): The mistakes killing your conversion rate
- [RD12] Red Dot Award (2012): Bewertungskriterien
- [RO10] Reichenstein Oliver (2010): Can Experience be Designed?
- [RO210] Reichenstein Oliver (2010): Form and Information
- [SD05] Saffer Dan (2005): Making Good Design Decisions
- [SE12] Stroop Effekt
- [SJJ12] Schaffner Jean Jacques (2012): red dot award: communication design 2012: Behind the Scenes
- [SN12] Schrader Niels (2012): red dot award: communication design 2012: Behind the Scenes
- [SU12] Schubert Ulf (2012): Designstrategie und organisationelle Fitness
- [VR12] Vermeulen Rob(2012): red dot award: communication design 2012: Behind the Scenes
- [VV10] Vo Vince (2010): The principles of beautiful web design
- [WL13] Wroblewski Luke (2013): Design Quotes
- [WP13] Wikipedia on Dieter Rams (2013): Dieter Rams