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Linux-Praxisbuch/ isdnlog

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Der ISDNlog Befehl isdnlog



/var/lib/isdn/calls - isdn log file

Das Programm isdnlog überwacht den ein- und ausgehenden Datenstrom über die ISDN-Karte und schreibt eine Übersicht darüber in eine Protokolldatei. Normalerweise steht diese Datei unter /var/log/isdn.log. Das Programm arbeitet nur mit ISDN-Karten, die einen Hisax Treiber haben.

Sie können sich diese Datei mit

cat /var/log/isdn.log

Erklärung der Ausgabe


Die Datei hat in jeder Protokollzeile 19 Felder, die durch das PIPE-Zeichen "|" getrennt werden. Die Felder sind folgendermaßen definiert:

  • 1
    • Zeitpunkt der Verbindung (Monat Tag Uhrzeit Jahr)
  • 2
    • Telefonnummer des Anrufers (sofern übermittelt)
  • 3
    • Angerufene Telefonnummer
  • 4
    • Dauer der Verbindung in Sekunden
  • 5
    • Dauer der Verbindung in Hundertstel-Sekunden
  • 6
    • Zeitpunkt der Verbindung in Sekunden seit 1970
  • 7
    • Anzahl der empfangenen Einheitensignale
      • -1 wenn keine Einheitensignale empfangen wurden
  • 8
    • I = Hereinkommende Anrufe (Incoming)
    • O = Herausgehende Anrufe (Outgoing)
  • 9
    • Fehlernummer, die angibt, warum eine Verbindung nicht aufgebaut werden konnte
  • 10
    • Anzahl der empfangenen Bytes
  • 11
    • Anzahl der gesendeten Bytes
  • 12
    • Versionsnummer von isdnlog
  • 13
    • Nummer des in Anspruch genommenen ISDN-Services
  • 14
    • 1 = Anruf von einem ISDN-Anschluß,
    • 0 = Anruf von einem analogen Anschluß
  • 15
    • Kosten einer Einheit (z.B. 0,12 Eurocent in Deutschland)
  • 16
    • Währungseinheit (z.B. EUR in weiten Teilen Europas)
  • 17
    • Gesamtkosten der Verbindung
  • 18
    • Provider
  • 19
    • Zone


1                    2                3                4     5          6             7  8   9      10          
Jan  4 11:14:22 2005|                |0192076         |  358|     35835|1104833662|   -1|O| 16|    480958|    
11    12  13 14 15    16  17  18  19
62361|3.2|7 | 0|0.062|EUR|0 | 33| -1|

Jan 4 11:45:31 2005|+499251730476 |+4940959224 | 0| 0|1104835531| -1|I| 16| 0| 0|3.2|1|1|0.062|EUR|0| 33| -1|



-V Versionsinformation

-fFILE read options from the config file FILE. This file is also called the parameter file of isdnlog. The first line should be "[options]". You may use blank lines and comments (starting with a #). All config files for isdnlog have the format described in isdn.conf(5). Debug options must be given on the command line, they cannot be stored in a file.

/dev/DEVICE isdnlog will read from this device and from /dev/isdninfo. You should give /dev/isdnctrl0 for the first isdn card (or /dev/isdnctrl2 for the second).

Isdnlog has a replay mode for debugging, where you can simulate previous recorded events. In that case use "-" instead of a device.

-Ax amt="value" Set digits necessary to get an outside line, when connected through a PABX. You can give several codes padded with a ":" (e.g. -A0:80:81:82).

areacode="value" (There is no commandline option for this.) Overwrite area code from isdn.conf. A machine connected to subscriber lines with different area codes and thus several isdnlogs running requires this non global setting.

-Bvbn vbn="value" Set the provider preselection to the given value. More prefixes may be separated by a ":".

             Values  are  e.g. "010" for DE, "10" for AT, "16:17" for NL, "9"
             for FR.

-Rprefix preselected="value" Set the preselected (i.e the provider choosen, if no prefix is dialed) provider to value. Value should be without vbn.

skipProv=skiplist (There is no commandline option for this.) Ignore certain providers from the rate-file. The format of skiplist is the same as for Q: tags in rate.conf and described in rate.conf(5).

-0x:y trim="value[:value]" Suppress leading digits. If isdnlog is connected through a PABX,

             it  is sometimes not possible to let isdnlog distinguish between
             a national and an international call, even with help of  the  -A
             This  option  requires two values separated with ":" as an argu-
             ment. These values tell  isdnlog  how  many  leading  digits  to
             remove  from  incoming  and outgoing calls respectively. If only
             one value is given, it is used for both  incoming  and  outgoing
             Don’t use this in combination with the -A option! This will con-
             fuse the system (and possibly you).
             Example: a PABX in Germany shows the number of an incoming  call
             from  Hamburg  as  "00040...".   When calling out to Hamburg, it
             shows the number as "0040...".   This  means  that  on  incoming
             calls,  three  zeroes must be removed, and on outgoing calls two
             zeroes must be removed (the number  must  be  normalized  to  be
             without  any  leading  zeroes  in the case of a national number;
             international numbers must have one leading zero). So,  in  this
             case, the option -03:2 would be correct.

-ix internS0="value"

             Telefon  number shorter then value are considered to be internal
             numbers on your PABX.

-o other={yes|no}

             Normally "causes" (e.g. "non-selected user clearing") for  other
             connected  ISDN  devices are not displayed, only those which are
             related to the connection will be shown. With  this  option  the
             causes for the other devices are also displayed.

-ux ignoreRR="value"

             Ignore  "housekeeping"  frames.   x may be 1 (ignore RR=Receiver
             ready) or 2 (ignore EMP=Euracom Management Protokoll) frames.

-Ux[:y] ignoreCOLP="value[:value]"

             Ignore COLP/CLIP frames when value is 1 or greater.  Value 0  is
             default, and tells isdnlog to not ignore COLP/CLIP frames.  With
             value 2 the ignored COLP/CLIP number is displayed.
             The first value applies to COLP the second to CLIP. If only  one
             value is given, it applies to COLP and CLIP.
             Sometimes the COLP number is a number in a different areacode to
             the number that was dialled, and then the cost calculation would
             be wrong.


             (There  is  no  commandline  option for this.)  A PABX may cause
             numerous  messages  like  "Unexpected  discriminator   0x47   --
             ignored!"  resulting from protocol discriminator values in layer
             3 not known to isdnlog.  Set ignoreUPD to yes to  suppress  this

-2x dual="value"

             Enable  dual  mode. You need this if you have a second isdn card
             attached with crossed lines so it can listen to what other  isdn
             devices like telephones are doing. With x=2 you can increase the
             debug output - every single digit will be displayed.
             Some setups may require workarounds for reliable logging.  These
             workarounds  are enabled by addition of the following numbers to
             the dual value.  They are intended for the dualmode but may also
             be  useful  without.   In this case, specify only the sum of the
             following numbers without 1 or 2 for the dual mode.
             0x100  Enable this when the destination number  of  an  outgoing
                    call contains the number of the previous call, e.g. call-
                    ing 222 after calling 111 before results  in  111222  for
                    the second call.
                    This  may  also  help  in  situations where an unanswered
                    incoming call causes incorrect logging of  the  following
                    outgoing call.
             0x200  Enable  this  when  outgoing  calls  are logged without a
                    source number (own MSN).
             0x400  Enable this when unanswered  incoming  calls  are  logged
                    multiple times (revealed by isdnrep -E).

-1 A HFC-based card is used for echo mode. Enable echo mode for the

             HFC card with
             hisaxctrl id 10 1
             hisaxctrl id 12 1



Das englische Originalprogramm wurde von Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@debian.org> für Debian GNU/Linux und isdn4linux geschrieben. Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde von Holger Jannsen <hollysoft@gmx.de> und Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org> bewerkstelligt.

Fehlermeldungen des isdnlog Befehls


Siehe auch:

  • resolv.conf -- ippp -- callerid.conf -- isdn.conf -- isdnctrl -- isdnrep