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Das Mehrkörperproblem in der Astronomie/ Literaturverzeichnis

Aus Wikibooks
  • Aarseth S.J., Dynamical evolution of clusters in galaxies I, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 126, S.223 ff, 1963 (= Aarseth (1963))
  • Aarseth S.J. und Hoyle F., An assessment of the present state of the gravitational N-body problem, in: Astrophysica Norvegica Band 9, S.313 ff, 1964 (= Aarseth und Hoyle (1964))
  • Aarseth S.J., Henon M, Wielen R., A Comparison of Numerical Methods for the Study of Star Cluster Dynamics, in: Astronomy and Astrophyscia Band 37, S.183 ff, 1974 (= Aarseth und andere (1974))
  • Aarseth S.J., in: Multiple Time Scales, Hrsg. Brackbill und Cohen, Academic Press, New York S.377 ff, 1985 (= Aarseth (1985))
  • Alpher R.A., A neutron capture theory of the formation and relative abundance of the elements, in: Physical Review Letters Band 74, S.1577 ff, 1948 (= Alpher (1948))
  • Alpher R.A., Hermann R., Gamow G.A., Thermonuclear reactions in the expanding Universe, in: Physical Review Letters Band 74, S.1198 ff, 1948 (= Alpher und andere (1948))
  • Bahcall J.N., Soneira R.M., The universe at faint magnitudes. I. Models for the Galaxy and the predicted star counts, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 44, S.73 ff, 1980 (= Bahcall und Soneira (1980))
  • Barnes J., Hut P., A hierarchical O(N log N) force-calculation algorithm, in: Nature Band 324, S.446 ff., 1986 (= Barnes und Hut (1986))
  • Barnes J., Hut P., Error analysis of a tree code, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 70, S.389 ff, 1989 (= Barnes und Hut (1989))
  • Benjamin R.A., The spiral structure of the Galaxy. Something old, something new, in: Massive star formation. Observation confronts theory, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Band 387, S.375 ff, 2008 (= Benjamin (2008))
  • Bennett C.L., Halpern M., Hinshaw G., Jarosik N., Kogut A., Limon M. und 15 weitere Autoren, First-year Wilkinson Microware Anisotropy Probe observations: Priliminary maps and basic results, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 148, S.1 ff, 2003 (= Bennett und andere (2003))
  • Bottema R., Simulations of normal spiral galaxies, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 344, S.358 ff, 2003 (= Bottema (2003))
  • Boue G., Laskar J., Farago F., A simple model of the chaotic eccentricity of Mercury, in: Astronomy and Astrophyscis Band 548, S.43 ff, 2012 (= Boue und andere (2012))
  • Bouy H., Bertin E., Sarro L.M., Barrado D., Moraux E., Bouvier J. und 4 weitere Autoren, The Seven Sisters DANCe. I - Empirical isochrones, luminosity and mass functions of the Pleiades cluster, in: Astronomy and Astrophysics Band 577, S.17 ff, 2015 (= Bouy und andere (2015))
  • Cox T.J., Loeb A, The collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 386, S.461 ff, 2008 (= Cox und Loeb (2008))
  • Dehnen W., Read J.I., N-body simulations of gravitational dynamics, in: the European Physical Journal Plus, Band 126, 2011 (= Dehnen und Read (2011))
  • Diemand J., Moore B., The structure and evolution of cold dark matter halos, in: Advanced Science Letters Band 4, S.297 ff, 2011 (= Diemand und Moore (2011))
  • Dicke R.J., Peebles P.J.E., Roll P.G., Wilkinson D.T., Cosmic black body radiation, in: The Astrophysical Journal Band 142, S.414 ff, 1965 (= Dicke und andere (1965))
  • Efstathiou G., Davis M., Frenk C.S., White S.D.M., Numerical Techniques for Large Cosmological N-Body Simulations, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 57, S.241 ff., 1985 (= Efstathiou und andere (1985))
  • Fuji M.S., Portegies Zwart S., The growth of massive stars via stellar collisions in ensemble star clusters, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 430, S.1018 ff, 2013 (= Fuji und Portegies Zwart (2013))
  • Geisler R., Gravitativer Einfluss eines Begleitsterns auf LBV-Nebel, Diplomarbeit, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2006 (= Geisler (2006))
  • Giersz M., Heggie D.C., Monte Carlo simulations of star clusters - VII. The globular cluster 47 Tuc, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 410, S.2698 ff, 2011 (= Giersz und Heggie (2011))
  • Heggie D.C., Trenti M., Hut P., Star clusters with primordial binaries - I. Dynamic evolution of isolated models, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 368, S.677 ff, 2006 (= Heggie und andere (2006))
  • Hernquist L., Katz N., TREESPH. A unification of SPH with the hierarchical tree method, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 70, S.419 ff, 1989 (= Hernquist und Katz (1989)
  • Hinshaw G., Weiland J.L., Hill R.S., Odegard N., Larson D., Bennett C.L. und 15 weitere Autoren, Five-year Wilkinson Microware Anisotropy Probe observations: Data processing, sky maps and basic results, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 180, S.225 ff, 2009 (= Hinshaw und andere (2009))
  • Howard C.D., Rich R.M., Reitzel D.B., Koch A., De Propris R. und Zhao H.S., The bulge radial velocity assay. I. Sample selection and a rotation curve, in: The Astrophysical Journal Band 688, S.1060 ff, 2008 (= Howard und andere (2008))
  • Hubble E., A relation between distance and radial velocity among extragalactic nebulae, in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA Band 15, S.168 ff, 1929 (= Hubble (1929))
  • Hut P., Makino J., McMillan S., Building a better Leapftog, in: The Astrophysical Journal 443, S.L93 ff, 1995 (= Hut und andere (1995))
  • Ito T., Tanikawa K., Long term integrations and stability of planetary orbits in our Solar system, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 336, S.483 ff, 2002 (= Ito und Tanikawa (2002))
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Asteroid Main Belt Distribution, http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?histo_a_ast, 2007 (= Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2007))
  • Jones B.F., Internal motions in the Pleiades, in: The Astronomical Journal Band 75, S.563 ff, 1970 (= Jones (1970))
  • Kravtsov A.V., Klypin A.A., Khokhlov A.M, Adaptive Refinement Tree: A new High Resolution N-Body Code for Cosmological Simulations, in: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Band 111, S.73 ff, 1997 (= Kravtsov und andere (1997))
  • Klypin A.A., Trujillo-Gomez S., Primack J., Dark Matter Halos in the Standard Cosmological Model: Results from the Bolshoi Simulation, in: The Astrophysical Journal Band 740, S.102 ff, 2011 (= Klypin und andere (2011))
  • Kroupa P., On the Variation of the Initial Mass Function, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 322, S.231 ff, 2001 (= Kroupa (2001))
  • Kunder A., Koch A., Rich R.M., De Propries R., Howard C.D., Stubbs S.A. und 10 weitere Autoren, The bulge radial velocity assay. II. Complete sample and data release, in: The Astronomical Journal Band 143, S.57 ff, 2012 (= Kunder und andere (2012))
  • Laskar J., Large-scale chaos in the Solar system, in: Astronomy and Astrophysics Band 287, S.L9 ff, 1994 (= Laskar (1994))
  • Laskar J., Fienga A., Gastineau M., Manche H., La2010: a new orbital solution for the long-term motion of the Earth, in: Astronomy and Astrophyscis Band 532, S.89 ff, 2011 (= Laskar und andere (2011))
  • Ling F.-S., Nezri E., Athanassoula E., Teyssier R., Dark matter direct detection signals inferred from a cosmological N-body simulation with baryons, in: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Band 2, 2010 (= Ling und andere (2010))
  • Lopez D.J und Romay J.G., Implementing Adams methods with preassigned stepsize ratios, in: Mathematical Problems in Engineering Band 2010, 2010 (= Lopez und Romay (2010))
  • Makino J., A modified Aarseth code for GRAPE and vector processors, in: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Band 43, S.859 ff, 1991 (= Makino (1991))
  • Makino J., Aarseth S.J., On a Hermite integrator with Ahmad-Cohen-scheme for gravitational many-body problems, in: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Band 44, S.141 ff, 1992 (= Makino und Aarseth (1992))
  • Mardling R.A., The Role of Chaos in the Circularization of Tidal Capture Binaries. I - the Chaos Boundary, in: the Astrophysical Journal Band 450, S.722 ff, 1995 (= Mandling (1995))
  • Mardling R.A., The Role of Chaos in the Circularization of Tidal Capture Binaries. II - Long Term Evolution in: the Astrophysical Journal Band 450, S.732 ff, 1995 (= Mandling (1995), direkte Fortsezung des oben genannten Artikels im gleichen Journal)
  • Mardling R.A., Stability in the General Three Body Problem, in: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Band 229, S.101 ff, 2001 (= Mardling (2001))
  • Mardling R.A., Aarseth S.J., Tidal Interactions in Star Cluster Simulatios, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 321, S.398 ff, 2001 (= Mardling und Aarseth (2001))
  • McMillan P.J., Mass models of the Milky Way, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 414, S.2446 ff, 2011 (= McMillan (2011))
  • Milankovitch M., Kanon der Erdbestrahlung und seine Anwendung auf das Eiszeitenproblem, in: Spec. Acad. R. Serbe, Belgrade, 1941
  • Oort J.H., Stellar Dynamics, in Stars and stellar systems Band V, Kap.21, S.455 ff, 1965 = (Oort (1965))
  • Penzias A.A., Wilson R.W., A mwasurement at excess antenna temperature at 4080 Mc/s, in: The Astrophysical Journal Band 142, S.419 ff, 1965 (= Penzias und Wilson (1965))
  • Perlmutter S, Aldering G, Boyle. B.J., Castro P.G., Couch W.J., Deustua S. und 27 weitere Autoren, Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae, in: Abstracts of the 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, held in Paris, France, Dec. 14-18, 1998. Herausgeber: J. Paul, T. Montmerle und E. Aubourg (CEA Saclay) (= Perlmutter und andere (1998))
  • Plummer H.C., On the problem of distribution in globular star clusters, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 71, S.460 ff, 1911 (= Plummer (1911))
  • Power C., Navarro J.F., Jenkins A., Frenk C.S., White S.D.M., Springel V., Stadel J. und Quinn T., The inner structure of ΛCDM haloes - I. A numerical convergence study, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 338, S.14 ff, 2003 (= Power und andere (2003))
  • Quinn T., Katz N., Stadel J., Lake G., Time stepping N-body simulations, in: eprint arXiv:astro-ph/9710043 (unter http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9710043), 1997 (= Quinn und andere (1997))
  • Röser H.-J., Tscharnuter W., Abriss der Astronomie 6.Auflage, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, S.627 sowie 970-971, 2012 (= Röser und Tscharnuter (2012))
  • Riess A.G., Filippenko A.V., Challis P., Clocchiatti A., Diercks A., Garnavich P.M. und 14 weitere Autoren, Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant, in: The Astronomical Journal Band 116, S.1009 ff, 1998 (= Riess und andere (1998))
  • Salpeter E.E., The Luminosity Function and Stellar Evolution, in: Astrophysical Journal Band 121, S.161ff, 1955 (= Salpeter (1955))
  • Scheffler H., Elsässer H., in: Bau und Physik der Galaxis 2.Auflage, Mannheim, Wien, Zürich, BI Wissenschaftsverlag 1992, S.475-476 (= Scheffler und Elsässer (1992))
  • Schneider P., in: Extragalaktische Astronomie und Kosmologie, Springer-Verlag 2008 (= Schneider (2008))
  • Struve O., The sextuple system of Casor, in: Sky and Telescope Band 11, S.302 ff, 1952 (= Struve (1952))
  • Toomre A., On the gravitational stability of a disk of stars, in: The Astrophysical Journal Band 139, S.1217 ff, 1964 (= Toomre (1964))
  • Voigt H.H., Abriss der Astronomie 4.Auflage, Mannheim, Wien, Zürich, BI Wissenschaftsverlag 1988, S.362 (= Voigt (1988))
  • White S.D.M., Further simulations of merging galaxies, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 189, S.831 ff, 1979 (= White (1979))
  • Wielen R., Dynamical evolution of star cluster models, in: Veröffentlichung des Astronomischen Recheninstituts Heidelberg Nr.19 (= Wielen (1967))
  • Wirtz C., Einiges zur Statistik der Radialgeschwindigkeiten von Spiralnebeln und Kugelsternhaufen, in: Astronomische Nachrichten Band 215, S.349 ff, 1922 (= Wirtz (1922))
  • Wirtz C., De Sitters Kosmologie und die Radialgeschwindigkeiten der Spiralnebel, in: Astronomische Nachrichten Band 222, S.21 ff, 1924 (= Wirtz (1924))
  • Wisdom J., Holman M., Symplectic maps for the N-body problem, in: The Astronomical Journal Band 102, Nr.4, S.1528 ff, 1991 (= Wisdom und Holman (1991))
  • Zemp M., Stadel J., Moore B. und Carollo C.M., An optimum time-stepping scheme for N-body simulations, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Band 376, S.273 ff, 2007 (= Zemp und andere (2007))
  • Zeldovich Y.B., Gravitational Instability: An Approximate Theory for Large Density Pertubations, in: Astronomy and Astrophysics Band 5, S.84 ff, 1970 (= Zeldovich (1970))