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Liederbuch/ Foggy Dew

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The Foggy Dew


Irish-Folk Text und Melodie: trad. (publ. vor 1850) bearbeitet von Mjchael 

"The Foggy Dew" ist ein Irish-Folk, das sich auf Ereignisse während des Osteraufstands von im April 1916 in Irland bezieht. Der Osteraufstand war ein verlustreicher bewaffneter Aufstand von irischen Republikanern gegen die britische Herrschaft in Irland. "The Foggy Dew" (etwa: nebeliger Morgentau) zeichnet eine düstere Stimmung während der Kämpfe in den Straßen von Dublin. Auch wenn der Aufstand letztlich erfolglos war, begann mit ihm eine Bewegung in Richtung politische Unabhängigkeit.

Das Lied wurde von verschiedenen Künstlern aufgenommen und interpretiert, darunter auch Sinéad O'Connor, Noel McLoughlin und The Dubliners.

\version "2.20.0"
\header {
 title = "The Foggy Dew"
 % subtitle = "MeinSubtitle"
 poet = "trad. Irish-Folk"
 % composer = "Komponist"
 % arranger = "arr: ccbysa: Wikibooks (mjchael)"

myKey = {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 100
  %%Tempo ausblenden
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key a\minor

%% Akkorde
%% 4/4-Schlag 
%% 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .
myAm = \chordmode { a,,4:m a,:m a,,8:m a,,:m a,:m a,:m}
myG = \chordmode { g,,4 g, g,,8 g,, g, g, }
myAmG = \chordmode { a,,4:m a,:m  g,,8 g,, g, g, }
myC  = \chordmode { c,4 c c,8 c, c c }
myGC = \chordmode { g,,4 g, c,8 c, c c }

myChords = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  %% Akkorde nur beim Wechsel notieren
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  \partial 4 s4
  \myAm \myG \myAmG \myAm
  \myAm \myG \myAmG \myAm
  \myC \myGC \myAm \myAm
  \myAm \myG \myAmG \myAm

myMelody = \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  \relative c'{ 
\partial 4 e8( g) |
a4 g8( e) a4 g8( e) | %1
d4 e g, a8 b |
c( e) d( c) a4 g | a2. e'8 g |  
a4 g8( e) a4 g8( e) | %5
d4 e g, a8( b) |
c( e) d( c) a4 g | a2. b4 |
c4. e8 g4 f8( e) | d4 d e c8( d) | %10
e4 c'8( b) a( g) e( g) | 
a2. e8 g | a4 g8 e a4 g8 e |
d4 e g, a8( b) |
c( e) d c a4 g | a2.
    \bar "|."

myLyrics = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
As down the glen one E -- aster morn
to a ci -- ty fair rode  I,
The -- re ar -- med lines of mar -- ching men
in squa -- drons passed me  by;
No pipe did hum, nor bat -- tle drum
did sound its loud tat -- too,
But the An -- ge -- lus bell
o’er the Lif -- fey’s swell
rang out through the Fog -- gy Dew

\score {
    \new ChordNames { \myChords }
    \new Voice = "mySong" { \myMelody }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mySong" { \myLyrics }
  % \new TabStaff { \myChords } %% Check 
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

%% unterdrückt im raw="1"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  %% DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

As [Am] down the glen one [G] Easter morn
to a [Am] city [G] fair rode [Am] I,
[Am] There armed lines of [G] marching men
in [Am] squadrons [G] passed me [Am] by;
[C] No pipe did hum, nor [G] battle [C] drum
did sound its [Am] loud tattoo,
But the ['] Angelus bell
o’er the [G] Liffey’s swell
rang [Am] out through the [G] Foggy [Am] Dew


Right [Am] proudly high o’er [G] Dublin town
they [Am] hung out the [G] flag of [Am] war
Twas [Am] better to die neath an [G] Irish sky
than at [Am] Sulva or [G] Sud El [Am] Bar
And [C] from the plains of [G] Royal [C] Meath strong men
came [Am] hurrying through,
While ['] Britannia’s sons with their [G] long range guns,
sailed [Am] in through the [G] Foggy [Am] Dew


The [Am] bravest fell and the [G] requiem bell rang [Am] mournfully [G] and [Am] clear,
For [Am] those who died that [G] Eastertide in the [Am] springing of [G] the [Am] year
While the [C] world did gaze with [G] deep [C] amaze
at those fearless [Am] men but few
Who ['] bore the fight that [G] freedom’s light
might [Am] shine through the [G] Foggy [Am] Dew


Back [Am]through the glen I [G] rode again, and my [Am] heart was [G] sore with [Am] grief
For I [Am] parted then with [G] valiant men who I [Am] never [G] more shall [Am] see
But [C] to and fro in my [G] dreams I [C] go and I kneel
and I [Am] pray for you,
For ['] slavery fled o [G] glorious dead
when you [Am] fell in the [G] Foggy [Am] Dew


½ 4/4-Schlag + ½ Eisenbahnschlag
(Rhythmus AF)


  \new ChordNames {
  \chordmode {
  c1 f g c

 \new Voice \with {
  \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  \override NoteHead.X-offset = 0

  <c e g>4 \downbow 
  <g c' e'>4 \downbow 
  <c e g>8 \downbow 
  <c e g>8 \upbow
  <g c' e'>8 \downbow 
  <g c' e'>8 \upbow
  <f a c'>4 \downbow 
  <a c' f'>4 \downbow 
  <f a c'>8 \downbow 
  <f a c'>8 \upbow
  <a c' f'>8 \downbow 
  <a c' f'>8 \upbow

  <g, b, d>4 \downbow 
  <g b g'>4 \downbow 
  <g, b, d>8 \downbow 
  <g, b, d>8 \upbow
  <g b g'>8 \downbow 
  <g b g'>8 \upbow

  <c e g>4 \downbow 
  <g c' e'>4 \downbow 
  <c e g>8 \downbow 
  <c e g>8 \upbow
  <g c' e'>8 \downbow 
  <g c' e'>8 \upbow