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Matrix multiplication – Serlo

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In this article, you learn how to multiply matrices. We will see that matrix multiplication is equivalent to the composition of linear maps. We will also prove some properties of the matrix multiplication.



How can we multiply matrices?


In the article on matrices of linear maps, we learned how we can use matrices to describe linear maps between finite-dimensional vector spaces and . This requires fixing a basis of and a basis of , with respect to which we can define the mapping matrix . In a plane of coordinates, this matrix descibes what the linear mapping does with a vector :

where is the coordinate mapping with respect to , which maps a vector to the coordinate vector with respect to . Similarly, is the coordinate mapping with respect to .

We can concatenate linear maps and by executing them one after the other, which results in a linear map . Can we define a suitable "concatenation" of matrices? By suitable, we mean that the "concatenation" of the matrices corresponding to and should become the matrix of the map . We will call this "concatenation" of the matrices also the matrix product since it will turn out to behave almost like a product of numbers.

For example, let's consider two matrices and with the corresponding linear mas


given by matrix-vector-multiplication. Then is the matrix of (with respect to the standard bases in and ), and is the matrix of (with respect to the standard bases in and ). The product of and should then be the matrix of .

However, in order to be able to execute the maps and one after the other, the target space of must be equal to the space on which is defined. This means that , i.e. . Therefore, the number of columns of must be equal to the number of rows of , otherwise we cannot define the product matrix .

Computing the product matrix


What is the product of and corresponding to the map ? To compute it, we need to calculate the images of the standard basis vectors under the map . They will form the columns of the matrix of , that is, the matrix .

We denote the entries of by and those of by , i.e. and . We also denote the desired matrix of by .

For and , the entry is given by the definition of the matrix representing by the -th entry of the vector . We can easily calculate it using the definition of and using the definition of matrix-vector-multiplication:

This defines all entries of the matrix and we conclude

This is exactly the product of the two matrices and .

Definition and rule of thumb


Mathematically, we can also understand matrix multiplication as an operation (just as the multiplication of real numbers).

Definition (Matrix multiplication)

The matrix multiplication is an operation


It sends two matrices and to the matrix , given by

for and .

However, there is an important difference to the multiplication of real numbers: With matrices, we have to make sure that the dimensions of the matrices we want to multiply match.


The two matrices do not have to be of the same size, but the number of columns of the matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the matrix . The result then has the number of rows of the left-hand matrix and the number of columns of the right-hand matrix . This means that two matrices can only be multiplied if .


The two matrices with can never be multiplied.

To calculate the matrix product, we use the scheme "row times column".

Rule of thumb: row times column

According to the definition, each entry in the product is the sum of the component-wise multiplication of the elements of the -th row of with the -th column of . This procedure can be remembered as row times column, as shown in the figure on the right.

Concrete example


Example 1


We consider the following two matrices and :

We are looking for the matrix product . This matrix has the form

We have to calculate the individual entries . We will do this here in detail for the entry . The calculation of the other entries works analogously.

According to the formula

This calculation can also be seen as the "multiplication" of the 2nd row of with the 3rd column of . To illustrate this, we mark the entries from the sum in the matrices. We have the sum

These are the following entries in the matrices:

In this way, we can also determine the other entries of and obtain

Example 2


We consider the following matrices and :

In this case, we can calculate both and . Let . Then is a -matrix . We calculate its only entry:

Thus, .

Let . Then is a -matrix. We can calculate the entries of by the scheme "row times column". For example, the first entry of is the first row of times the first column of , i.e. . If we do this with each entry, we get

Example 3


In this example, we want to illustrate that the matrix multiplication really corresponds to "concatenating two matrices". That means, if we have two matrices and that we apply to a vector , then we always have . As an example, let and be the following matrices with entries in :

Let further . We check that . To do so, we first calculate the matrix product :

Now we multiply this matrix with :

Next, we compute .

We now apply to this vector:

Indeed, here we have .

Properties of matrix multiplication


We now collect a few properties of the matrix multiplication.

Shortening rule for matrices representing linear maps


The following theorem shows that matrix multiplication actually reflects the composition of linear mappings.

Theorem (Shortening rule for matrices representing linear maps)

Let and be linear maps between finite-dimensional vector spaces. Furthermore, let be a basis of , let be a basis of and a basis of . Then we can "shorten the ":

Proof (Shortening rule for matrices representing linear maps)

We set and . Further, the matrices of and are given by and .

By definition of the matrix of a linear map, we know that the are the unique scalars with

for all . In oprder to prove , we need to verify that

And indeed,

By uniqueness of the coordinates in the linear combination of , we conclude .


For the shortening rule, it is important that the same ordered basis of is chosen in both cases for the matrices representing and . If is taken with respect to a different basis of , then the shortening rule is no longer true: The following is in general a false statement:

As matrices representing linear maps depend on the order of the basis vectors, the shortening rule also becomes false if is a rearrangement of .

Associativity of matrix multiplication


Theorem (Associativity of matrix multiplication)

For we have

Proof (Associativity of matrix multiplication)

First, we check that the sizes of the matrices that we want to multiply are compatible. This is directly visible for the products and . Now and , so the products on both sides of the equation are well-defined: they are both in .

Now we look at the individual components of the matrices to verify the equality. Let .

Compatibility with scalar multiplication


Theorem (Compatibility with scalar multiplication)

Let and . Then:

Note that "" refers to both scalar multiplication ("scalar times matrix") and matrix multiplication ("matrix times matrix").

Proof (Compatibility with scalar multiplication)

Distributivity of matrix multiplication


Here we must be careful that the sizes of the matrices are compatible.

Theorem (First distributive law)

For we have

Proof (First distributive law)

Theorem (Second distributive law)

For we have

Proof (Second distributive law)

Left and right neutral element of matrix multiplication


We denote the entries of the unit matrix with , i.e. . Then

Theorem (The unit matrix is a left- and right-neutral element of the matrix multiplication)

Let . Then

Proof (The unit matrix is a left- and right-neutral element of the matrix multiplication)

Proof step:

We prove this equality by direct multiplication. The following holds for all and for all :

For the last equality, we used the fact that if and . Since each entry of matches the entry of at the same position, the two matrices are equal.

Proof step:

We proceed as in the first proof step. For all and for all we have:

This proves equality of both sides.

In other words, the unit matrix (of the correct size) is the left- or right-neutral element with respect to matrix multiplication.



Example (Non-commutativity of -matrices)

For matrices, we can see that commutativity fails within the following example: On the one hand

and on the other hand

So the order of the matrix multiplication matters!


In general, , so the matrix product is not commutative.

The commutative law only applies in a few special cases (e.g. products of diagonal matrices).

As the number of rows and columns of the matrices must match, it is even possible that one of the two products is not even defined! For example, for the product is defined, but the product is not defined.

Further reading



If we multiply two -matrices, the result is again an -matrix. We now know two inner operations on the set : the addition of matrices

and the matrix multiplication

From the article on the vector space structure on matrices, we already know that is an Abelian group. It follows from the properties of matrix multiplication that is even a unital ring (i.e., a ring that has a unit element): The multiplication is associative, there is a neutral element and the distributive laws apply.

However, the ring of matrices is generally not commutative, as we have seen above. Also note that we only have such a ring structure for square matrices, as otherwise the multiplication of two elements is not defined.