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CAOS-Programmierung: Befehlsgruppen: Map

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ADDB (command) metaroom_id (integer) background_file (string)

Add a new background to the given metaroom. Use BKGD to change the current displayed background.

ADDM (integer) x (integer) y (integer) width (integer) height (integer) background (string)

Creates a new metaroom with the given coordinates. Specifies the starting background file. Returns the id of the new metaroom.

ADDR (integer) metaroom_id (integer) x_left (integer) x_right (integer) y_left_ceiling (integer) y_right_ceiling (integer) y_left_floor (integer) y_right_floor (integer)

Creates a new room within a metaroom. Rooms have vertical left and right walls, but potentially sloped floors and ceilings. The coordinates specify 
the exact shape. Returns the id of the new room.

ALTR (command) room_id (integer) ca_index (integer) ca_delta (float)

Directly adjusts the level of a CA in a room. Specify an identifier of -1 to use the room of the midpoint of the target agent.

BKDS (string) metaroom_id (integer)

Returns a string containing all the background names for the specified metaroom in a comma seperated list.

CACL (command) family (integer) genus (integer) species (integer) ca_index (integer)

This associates the classification specified with the CA specified. This allows the linking of CA's to classifiers within creatures' brains.

CALC (command)

Recalculates all the navigational CAs (warning: slow).

DELM (command) metaroom_id (integer)

Deletes the specified metaroom from the map.

DELR (command) room_id (integer)

Deletes the specified room from the map.

DMAP (command) debug_map (integer)

Set to 1 to turn the debug map image on, 0 to turn it off. The debug map includes vehicle cabin lines.

DOCA (command) no_of_updates (integer)

Updates all CAs the specified number of times.

DOOR (command) room_id1 (integer) room_id2 (integer) permiability (integer)

Sets the permiability of the door between two rooms. This is used for both CAs and physical motion. See also PERM.

DOOR (integer) room_id1 (integer) room_id2 (integer)

Returns the door permiability between two rooms.

DOWN (integer)

Returns the value of the down constant.

EMID (string)

Returns a string containing all the metaroom ids in the world seperated by spaces.

EMIT (command) ca_index (integer) amount (float)

Target now constantly emits an amount of a CA into the room it is in.

ERID (string) metaroom_id (integer)

Returns a string containing all the room ids in the specified metaroom separated by spaces. Returns all rooms in the world if metaroom_id is -1.

GMAP (integer) x (float) y (float)

Returns the metaroom id at point x,y on the map. If the point is outside the room system, it returns -1.

GRAP (integer) x (float) y (float)

Returns the room id at point x,y on the map. If the point is outside the room system, it returns -1.

GRID (integer) agent (agent) direction (integer)

Returns the ID of a room adjacent to the agent in the given direction. A straight line is drawn from the centre of the agent until it hits a room.  
Directions are LEFT, RGHT, _UP_, or DOWN. A value of -1 is returned if no room can be found.

HIRP (integer) room_id (integer) ca_index (integer) directions (integer)

Returns id of the room adjacent to this one with the highest concentration of the given CA. direction is 0 for left/right, 1 for any direction.

LEFT (integer)

Returns the value of the left constant.

LINK (command) room1 (integer) room2 (integer) permiability (integer)

Sets the permiability of the link between the rooms specified, creating the link if none exists before. Set to 0 to close (destroy) the link. This is 
used for CAs. See also DOOR.

LINK (integer) room1 (integer) room2 (integer)

Returns the permiability of the link between the rooms specified or 0 if no link exists.

LORP (integer) room_id (integer) ca_index (integer) directions (integer)

Returns id of the room adjacent to this one with the lowest concentration of the given CA. direction is 0 for left/right, 1 for any direction.

MAPD (command) width (integer) height (integer)

Sets the dimensions of the map. These are the maximum world coordinates. Metarooms are rectangles within this area.

MAPH (integer)

Returns the total height of the map.

MAPK (command)

Resets the map to be empty.

MAPW (integer)

Returns the total width of the map.

MLOC (string) metaroom_id (integer)

Returns the location of the specified metaroom as a string formated as follows: x y width height.

PERM (command) permiability (integer)

Value from 1 to 100. Sets which room boundaries the agent can pass through. The smaller the PERM the more it can go through. DOOR sets the   
corresponding room boundary permiability. Also used for ESEE, to decide what it can see through.

PERM (integer)

Returns the target's map permiability.

PROP (command) room_id (integer) ca_index (integer) ca_value (float)

Sets the level of a CA (cellular automata) in a particular room. There are 16 CAs, and their meaning depends on the game. The level is between 0 and 1.

PROP (float) room_id (integer) ca_index (integer)

Returns the value of a CA in a room.

RATE (command) room_type (integer) ca_index (integer) gain (float) loss (float) diffusion (float)

Sets various rates for a CA (cellular automata) in a particular type of room. The values can be from 0 to 1. Gain is the susceptibility to absorb from 
agents in the room, and loss is the amount lost to the atmosphere. The diffusion is the amount it spreads to adjacent rooms.

RATE (string) room_type (integer) ca_index (integer)

Returns a string containing gain, loss and diffusion rates for that combination of room type and CA.

RGHT (integer)

Returns the value of the right constant.

RLOC (string) room_id (integer)

Returns the location of the specified room as a string formated as follows: xLeft xRight yLeftCeiling yRightCeiling yLeftFloor yRightFloor.

ROOM (integer) agent (agent)

Returns the id of the room containing the midpoint of the specified agent.

RTYP (command) room_id (integer) room_type (integer)

Sets the type of a room. The meaning of the types depends on the game. RATE also uses the room type.

RTYP (integer) room_id (integer)

Returns the type of a room, or -1 if not a valid room id.

TORX (float) room_id (integer)

Returns relative X position of the centre of the given room from target's top left corner.

TORY (float) room_id (integer)

Returns relative Y position of the centre of the given room from target's top left corner.

_UP_ (integer)

Returns the value of the up constant.