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Liederbuch/ Whiskey in the Jar

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Whiskey In The Jar


Irish-Folk Text und Melodie: Anonym aus dem 17. oder 18. Jahrhundert. bearbeitet von Mjchael 

Gitarre   Ukulele (gcea)
G Em C D

"Whiskey in the Jar" ist ein berühmtes, traditionelles irisches Volkslied, das von einem Strauchdieb aus den Cork oder Kerry Bergen erzählt, welcher von seiner Frau oder seiner Geliebten verraten wurde. Wie in den meisten irischen Trinkliedern gibt es bei dem Liedtext keinen einheitlichen Standard. Die bekanntesten Covers dieses Liedes dürften von den Rockgruppen Thin Lizzy und Metallica sein.

Whiskey In The Jar

Wikipedia hat einen Artikel zum Thema:

1st Verse
As[G]I was going over the[Em]far famed Kerry mountains
I[C]met with captain Farrell and his[G]money he was[Em]counting.
I[G]first produced my pistol, and[Em]then produced my rapier.
[C]Said stand and deliver, for I[G]am a bold[Em]deceiver,
//: musha[D]ring dumma do damma da
[G]whack for the daddy 'ol
[C]whack for the daddy 'ol
[(G]there's whiskey[D)]in the[G]jar ://
2nd Verse
I[G]counted out his money, and it[Em]made a pretty penny.
I[C]put it in my pocket and I[G]took it home to[Em]Jenny.
She[G]said and she swore, that she[Em]never would deceive me,
but the[C]devil take the women, for they[G]never can be[Em]easy
3rd Verse
I[G]went into my chamber,[Em]all for to take a slumber,
I[C]dreamt of gold and jewels and for[G]sure it was no[Em]wonder.
But[G]Jenny took my charges and she[Em]filled them up with water,
Then[C]sent for captain Farrel to be[G]ready for the[Em]slaughter.
4th Verse
It was[G]early in the morning, as[Em]I rose up for travel,
The[C]guards were all around me and like-[G]wise captain[Em]Farrel.
I[G]first produced my pistol, for she[Em]stole away my rapier,
But I[C]couldn't shoot the water so a[G]prisoner I was[Em]taken.
5th Verse
If[G]anyone can aid me, it's my[Em]brother in the army,
If[C]I can find his station down in[G]Cork or in Kil-[Em]-larney.
And[G]if he'll come and save me, we'll go[Em]roving near Kilkenny,
And I[C]swear he'll treat me better than me[G]darling sportling[Em]Jenny
6th Verse
Now[G]some men take delight in the[Em]drinking and the roving,
But[C]others take delight in the[G]gambling and the[Em]smoking.
But[G]I take delight in the[Em]juice of the barley,
And[C]courting pretty fair maids in the[G]morning bright and[Em]early

Der Autor ist vor über siebzig Jahren verstorben. Daher bestehen keine Urheberrechtsansprüche mehr an diesem Werk.



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