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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 690

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
rang2 reichlich, opulent, zehnquadrilliarden (, 10^28), Unheil durch Gebete abwenden wiktionary Etymologie:
ju1 Graseinlage, Schuheinlage wiktionary Etymologie:
bin4 Kniescheibe wiktionary Etymologie:
wei4 Offizier, beruhigen wiktionary Etymologie:
liao2 verheddern, umwickeln, verwickeln, mit einer Nadel nähen, mit schrägen Stichen nähen wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
ju1 ma2 female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)
Si1 ma3 Rang2 ju1 齐国[Qi2 guo2] and author of “Methods of Sima” 司馬法|司马法[Si1 ma3 Fa3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
Si1 ma3 Rang2 ju1 齐国[Qi2 guo2] and author of “Methods of Sima” 司馬法|司马法[Si1 ma3 Fa3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
sun1 bin4 Sun Bin
bin4 xing2 removal of the kneecaps (punishment)
Sun1 Bin4 Bing1 fa3 Sun Bin's "The Art of War"
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
zhun3 wei4 Warrant Officer
zhun3 wei4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 准尉), Warrant Officer
wei4 guan1 Offiziere unterer Rangstufen
shao4 wei4 Leutnant
yu4 chi2 Yuchi
shang4 wei4 Hauptmann
yu4 li2 Yuli (Ort in Xinjiang)
zhong1 wei4 Oberleutnant
xiao4 wei4 Korporal
wei4 shi4 Weishi (Ort in Henan)
ting2 wei4 Tingwei - Justizminister (Beamtentitel der 秦Qin2-Zeit)
tai4 wei4 Taiwei; Kriegsminister, Taiwei; Oberbefehlshaber, Taiwei; Oberstkommandierender
qi2 du1 wei4 Kavalleriehauptmann
qi2 du1 wei4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 骑都尉), Kavalleriehauptmann
yu4 chi2 gong1 Yuchi Gong (einer der Türhüter, die auf Yamentüren abgebildet sind), Yuchi Jingde(585-658), formal name Yuchi Gongbut went by the courtesy name of Jingde, formally Duke Zhongwu of E, was a general of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty whose bravery later caused him to be incorporated into Chinese folk religion as a door god, along with Qin Shubao. (Wikipedia)
yu4 li2 xian4 Kreis Lopnur (Provinz Xinjiang, China)
yu4 li2 xian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 尉犁县), Kreis Lopnur (Provinz Xinjiang, China)
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
liao2 rao4 in Spiralen aufsteigen
liao2 luan4 dazzled, confused
Wei4 Liao2 尉缭子[Wei4 Liao2 zi5] text on military strategy
liao2 bian1 r5 to stitch a hem
Wei4 Liao2 zi5 武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], possibly written by Wei Liao 尉繚|尉缭[Wei4 Liao2] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)
yan3 hua1 liao2 luan4 schwindlig vor Augen sein, (vor Faszination) wie geblendet sein
ling4 ren2 yan3 hua1 liao2 luan4 schwindelerregend, schwindlig werden

Sätze und Ausdrücke

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
ming2 shao4 , zi4 ben3 chu1 , jian4/xian4 wei2/wei4 si1 li4 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 his given name was Shao; his style name was Benchu. He was currently serving as Colonel Director of Retainers. ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
yin1 huang2 jin1 qi3 , bai4 wei2/wei4 qi2 dou1/du1 wei4 Because the Yellow Turbans had begun their campaign, he was made Captain of the Cavalry (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第001回)
le4/lei1 ling4 zhi3 cheng1 xian4 wei4 hai4 min2 (... and) forced him to testify that the county magistrate had caused harm to the people ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
A da4 xi3 , ling4 B wei2/wei4 dou1/du1 wei4 A was overjoyed; he issued an order for B to be made a captain ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
liu2 yu2 ping2 kou4 you3 gong1 , feng1 tai4 wei4 For his role in putting down the bandits, Liu Yu was made Grand Commandant. ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
guan1 bai4 qi2 dou1/du1 wei4 His official title was Captain of the Cavalry (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第001回)
jin3 de2/de5/dei3 xian4 wei4 but you have only been granted the position of county magistrate ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
qian1 gao1 tang2 wei4 he was later made a military commander in Gaotang County ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
赫连皇甫 尉迟公羊
he4 lian2 huang2 fu3 wei4 chi2/zhi4 gong1 yang2 (Hundert Familiennamen)
jian4/xian4 wei2/wei4 si1 li4 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 He was currently serving as Colonel Director of Retainers. ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
yin1 ci3 xuan2 de2 chu2 shou4 ding4 zhou1 zhong1/zhong4 shan1/shan5 fu3 an1 xi3 xian4 wei4 Because of this, Xuande was made magistrate of Anxi county, which was under the jurisdiction of the Zhongshan government seat ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
jian4 wei2/wei4 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 he was recommended for the position of captain ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
liu2 xian4 wei4 shi4 he2 chu1 shen1 ? County magistrate Liu, what is your family background? ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
si1 li4 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 yuan2 shao4 ru4 jian4/xian4 jin4 yue1 : Colonel Director of Retainers Yuan Shao came in to see Jin, and said: ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
si1 tu2 A, tai4 wei4 B, zuo3 jun1 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 C, you4 jun1 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 D, hou4 jun1 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 E, zhong1/zhong4 jun1 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 F Minister over the Masses A, Grand Commandant B, captain of the left army C, captain of the right army D, captain of the rear army E, and captain of the middle army F (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回)
hou4 jun1 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 A, lai2 jian4/xian4 B, yan2 C bi4 you3 yi4 xin1 , ke3/ke4 su4 chu2 zhi1 Captain of the rear army A came to see B, and told him that C must have some ulterior motive, and that they should get rid of him (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回)
feng1 A wei2/wei4 qi2 dou1/du1 wei4 zhong1/zhong4 lang2/lang4 jiang1/jiang4 dou1/du1 <stadt> hou2 He made A captain of the cavalry and captain of the imperial guard, and also gave him the title of Marquis of the Capital City <stadt>. (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回)
guo2 wu2 wei4 , qi2 shei2 ke3/ke4 er2 wei2/wei4 zhi1 ? Es fehlt ein Feldherr im Staate. Wer ist geeignet für die Stelle? (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
zhong1/zhong4 jun1 jiao4/xiao4 wei4 A ting3 shen1 chu1 yue1 : Then A, captain of the middle army, stood up and said (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回)
ju1 you3 jian1 ,A gong1 you4 wen4 B yue1 :“ guo2 wu2 wei4 , qi2 shei2 ke3/ke4 er2 wei2/wei4 zhi1 ?” dui4 yue1 :“C ke3/ke4 。” ping2 gong1 yue1 :“C fei1 zi5 zhi1 zi5 xie2 ?” dui4 yue1 :“ jun1 wen4 ke3/ke4 , fei1 wen4 chen2 zhi1 zi5 ye3 。”A gong1 yue1 :“ shan3/shan4 。” you4 sui4 yong4 zhi1 。 guo2 ren2 cheng1 shan3/shan4 yan1 。 Nach einer Weile fragte der Herzog A wiederum den B und sprach: »Es fehlt ein Feldherr im Staate. Wer ist geeignet für die Stelle?« Er erwiderte: »C ist geeignet.« Der Herzog A sprach: »Ist denn C nicht Euer Sohn?« Er erwiderte: »Eure Hoheit fragen, wer geeignet sei, nicht darnach, wer mein Sohn sei.« Der Herzog A sprach: »Gut« und stellte ihn ebenfalls daraufhin an. Wieder waren alle Bürger des Staates mit ihm zufrieden. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)



Han Titel


Auszug aus der englischen Wikipedia: Translation of Han dynasty titles

Chinesisch englische Übersetzungen
博士 Erudit, Academician
城門校尉 Colonel of the City Gates, Commandant of the Capital Gates
刺史 (Regional) Inspector
從事 Attendant Clerk, Attendant Official, Assistant Officer, Retainer
大夫 Grandee, Counsellor, Grand Master
大將軍 General-in-chief, Grand General
大理 Grand Judge, Chamberlain for Law Enforcement, Superintendent of Trials
大司馬 Commander-in-chief, Grand Minister of War, Grand Marshal, Marshal of State
大司農 Grand Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Finance, Chamberlain for the National Treasury, Superintendent of Agriculture
大行令 (Prefect) Grand Usher, Prefect of the Grand March, Director of Messengers, Superintendent of State Visits
典客 Director of Guests, Chamberlain for Dependencies, Superintendent of State Visits
典屬國 Director of Dependent States, Supervisor of Dependent Countries
都尉 (Chief) Commandant, Defender (in the provinces)
奉常 Upholder of Ceremonies, Minister of Imperial Ancestral Ceremonies, Chamberlain for Ceremonials, Superintendent of Ceremonial
奉車都尉 Chief Commandant of Imperial Equipages, Chief Commandant Custodian of the Imperial Equipages, Commandant of the Equipage, Commandant-in-Chief of Chariots
符節令 Prefect of Insignia and Credentials, Prefect of Tallies and Credentials, Manager of Credentials
功曹[史] (Officer of the) Bureau of Merit, Merit Evaluator, Officer of Merit, Labor Section Serviceman
公車[司馬]令 Prefect of the Majors in Charge of Official Carriages, Prefect of Official Carriage's at the Major's Gate, Prefect of the Majors for Official Carriages, Director of Gate Traffic Control, Director of Official Carriages
黃門侍郎 Gentleman(-in-Attendance) of the Yellow Gates, (Attendant) Gentleman at the Yellow Gate, Gentleman Attendant at the Palace Gate
騎都尉 (Chief) Commandant of Cavalry
祭酒 Libationer, Chancellor of the National University
將作大匠 Court Architect, Grand Court Architect, Chamberlain for the Palace Buildings
九卿 Nine Chamberlains, Nine Ministers (of State)
Prefect, (County) magistrate, Director
Shepherd, (Regional) Governor, Regional Commissioner
三公 Three Excellencies, Three Ducal Ministers, Three Dukes
尚書 Master of Writing, Minister of Writing, (Imperial) Secretariat, Chief Steward for Writing, Imperial Secretary
少府 Privy Treasurer, Minister of the Privy Treasury, Minister Steward, Chamberlain of the Palace Revenues, Superintendent of the Lesser Treasury
侍御史 Attending Secretary, Attendant Imperial Secretary, Imperial Clerk, Attendant Censor, Secretary in Attendance on the Imperial Counsellor
侍中 Palace Attendant
水衡都尉 Chief Commandant of Water(s) and Parks, Commandant of the Imperial Gardens, Superintendent of Waterways and Parks
司空 Minister of Works, Excellency of Works, Imperial Counsellor,
司馬 Commander, Major
司徒 Minister over the Masses, Minister of the Masses, Excellency over the Masses, Minister of Education, Chancellor
太常 Grand Master/Minister of Ceremonies, Minister of Ceremonies, Chamberlain of Ceremonials, Superintendent of Ceremonial
太傅 Grand Tutor, Grand Mentor, Senior Tutor
太官[令] ((Prefect) Grand) Provisioner, Court Provisioner
太史令 (Prefect) Grand Astrologer, Prefect of the Grand Clerks, Court Astronomer, Director of Astronomy
太守 (Grand) Administrator, Governor, Grand Protector
太尉 Grand Commandant, Defender-in-Chief, Supreme Commander
太學 Academy, Imperial University, Grand College, National University
太醫令 Prefect (of the) Grand Physicians, Court Physician, Imperial Physician, Director of the Physicians-in-Chief
太中大夫 Grand Palace Grandee, Palace Counsellor, Superior Grand Master of the Palace, Grand Counsellor of the Palace
太子少傅 Junior Tutor of the Heir Apparent, Lesser Tutor of the Heir Apparent, Junior Mentor of the Heir Apparent
太子太傅 Grand Tutor of the Heir-apparent, Grand Mentor of the Heir Apparent, Senior Tutor to the Heir Apparent
廷尉 Commandant of Justice, Minister of Justice, Chamberlain for Law Enforcement, Superintendent of Trials
五官中郎將 General of the Gentlemen-of-the-Household for All Purposes, General of the Palace Gentlemen of the Five Offices, General of the Household for All Purposes, Leader of the Court Gentlemen for Miscellaneous Uses, Leader of the Gentlemen of the Palace, all purposes
縣令 Prefect, District Magistrate, County Magistrate
縣長 Chief, County Magistrate, District Magistrate
相國 Chancellor of State, Counselor-in-Chief
校尉 Colonel, Commandant
議郎 (Gentleman) Consultant, Court Gentleman for Consultation
Governor, Intendant
右中郎將 General of the Gentlemen-of-the-Household of the Right, General of the Palace Gentlemen of the Right, General of the Household of the Right, Leader of Court Gentlemen of the Right, Leader of the Gentlemen of the Palace of the Right
羽林 Feathered Forest imperial guard(s), The Forest of Feathers guards, Palace Guard, Elite Yulin Corps
御史大夫 Grandee Secretary, Imperial Counsellor, Censor-in-Chief
長史 Chief Clerk, Aide
Director, Supervisor, Head
執金吾 Bearer of the (Gilded) Mace, Chief of Police, Chamberlain for the Imperial Insignia, Superintendent of the Capital
治粟內史 Clerk of the Capital for Grain, Clerk of the Capital for Supplies, Secretary of the Interior, Chamberlain for the National Treasury, Superintendent of Agriculture
中郎將 General of the (Gentlemen-of-the-)Household, General of the Palace Gentlemen, Leader of Court Gentlemen, Leader of the Gentlemen of the Palace
中散大夫 Palace Attendant Grandee, Palace Grandee Without Specified Appointment, Attendant Counsellor, Grand Master of Palace Leisure
中書 Palace Writer, Palace Secretary
中書官 Eunuch Palace Writer
中尉 Commandant of the Capital, Chamberlain for the Imperial Insignia, Superindendant of the Capital
宗正 Director of the Imperial Clan, Superintendent of the Imperial Clan, Minister of the Imperial Clan, Chamberlain for the Imperial Clan,
左中郎將 General of the Gentlemen-of-the-Household of the Left, General of the Palace Gentlemen of the Left, General of the Household of the Left, Leader of Court Gentlemen of the Left, Leader of the Gentlemen of the Palace of the Left,


Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org



Richard Wilhelm


Auf der Badewanne des Tang stand als Inschrift:

»Wenn wirklich neu, dann täglich neu, tagtäglich neu.«

Im Rat an Kang heißt es (Schu Ging IV, 9, 7):

»Schaffe die Menschen neu!«

In den Liedern steht (III, I, 1, 1):

»Obwohl das Reich von Dschou schon alt, ist seine Weltbestimmung dennoch neu.«

So kennt der Edle nichts, wobei er nicht sein Äußerstes hergibt.

James Legge


On the bathing tub of Tang, the following words were engraved: "If you can one day renovate yourself, do so from day to day. Yea, let there be daily renovation." In the Announcement to Kang, it is said, "To stir up the new people." In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "Although Zhou was an ancient state the ordinance which lighted on it was new." Therefore, the superior man in everything uses his utmost endeavors.





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