We have already seen the vector space of linear maps between two -vector spaces and . We will now consider the case where the vector space corresponds to the field .
Consider the following example: We want to buy apples and pears. An apple costs $ and a pear $. If is the number of apples and is the number of pears, how much do we have to pay in total? The formula for the total price is . We can express this equation as -linear map
Let's assume that the prices increase by half. To get the formula that gives the new total price, we need to multiply the old formula by . The formula that gives this price would then be . The corresponding linear map is
We thus recognize that .
Suppose now that the price of apples increases by $ and the price of pears by $. We obtain the corresponding formula for the total price by adding to the original formula, i.e. . This can be understood as the addition of linear maps. We define by and . Then holds true. So in this example, we simpy added linear maps from to and multiplied them by scalars.
The total price is indicated by linear maps from . Such a map assigns a value, namely the price, to each vector. In other words, we can say that the mapping "measures" these vectors. This is why we call linear maps from to linear measurement functions. We have seen above that sums and scalar multiples of such maps are again linear maps. In other words, linear combinations of linear maps are again linear maps. So also on the set of linear maps on , we can find a vector space structure.
What about other vector spaces? Let's look at the -vector space of complex polynomials of degree at most . There are a number of simple measurement functions here. These can, for example, assign to a polynomial its value at a point :
Alternatively, we can assign to a polynomial the value of its derivative at the point :
Since the coefficients of polynomials are scalars, we can use them to define further measurement functions. For example, for , consider the mappings defined by and . Then . We can also see here that sums of measurement functions are again measurement functions.
In general, we can also consider the space of linear measurement functions over an arbitrary -vector space . We will see that, as in the previous examples, this is a vector space. This space is called the dual space of .
The following theorem states that the dual space is a vector space.
Theorem ( is a vector space)
Let be a vector space over a field . Then with the two relations
a -vector space.
Example (Characterization of )
The dual space of is the vector space of all linear maps from to . Each such linear map is given by multiplication with a (1x2) matrix, the representing matrix, and is therefore of the form
for certain . Thus, the elements in the dual space of are described by linear equations of the form .
More generally, an element of is represented by a (1xn) matrix or a linear equation of the form with coefficients .
Example (Integral)
Let be the space of continuous functions . Consider the mapping
which sends a continuousfunction on to its integral over this interval. As an example, for ,
We verify by direct calculation that the mapping is linear: For and the following applies
This follows from the properties of the integral. So is an element of .
We now know what the dual space of a -vector space is: It consists of all linear maps from to . Intuitively, we can understand these maps as linear maps that measure vectors from . This is why we sometimes call elements of the dual space "(linear) measurement functions" in this article.
Motivated by this intuitive notion of "measurements", we ask ourselves: Is there a subset of measurement functions that can be used to uniquely determine vectors? In other words, is there a subset so that we can find a measurement function with for every choice of vectors with ?
Let's first consider what this means using an example:
Example (Unique determination of vectors using measurement functions)
Let us consider . Then the dual space is the vector space of all linear maps . Consider the linear maps with
If , we cannot use these functions to determine vectors uniquely: For and , we have , but .
Even with the measurement functions in , the vectors and cannot be distinguished: We also have .
However, if we consider the subset of measurement functions instead, then vectors in are uniquely determined by the measurements in : Let and be any vectors with . Assume that and apply. From we obtain . Together with , we would then also get , i.e. . This would mean that , which is a contradiction to our assumption. Therefore, or (or both) applies. Hence, for each choice of different vectors in , at least one of the two measurements in provides different values for and . Vectors are therefore uniquely determined by the measurements in .
In sumary, our question is: Does there exist a subset such that applies to all vectors: If applies to all measurements , then must be true.
We will first try to answer this question in .
Measurement functions for unique determination of vectors
A vector is uniquely determined by its entries . If we select measurement functions from in such a way that their values provide us with the entries of a vector, then we have ensured that a vector is already uniquely determined by these values. Let us therefore consider the following mappings for
You can check that the maps are linear. In addition, holds for every . The map therefore provides the -th entry of vectors in . A vector is already uniquely determined by the values of : Suppose we have vectors and in with equal function values among the , i.e., with for all . Then applies for all and therefore . Thus, if with for all , then follows.
It is also intuitively clear that we cannot omit any of the measurement functions in order to uniquely determine a vector by its measurement values. For example, if we omit , , then for
we may have for all measurement functions with , but nevertheless . The measurement functions with therefore no longer uniquely determine a vector.
So the with form a set of measurement functions that uniquely determine vectors from . Further, they are minimal because we cannot omit any of the functions.
Can we generalize this to a general vector space ? In we have used the fact that a vector is uniquely determined by its entries . Now, the are precisely the coordinates of with respect to the standard basis :
In a general vector space , we do not have a standard basis. However, as soon as we have chosen any basis , we can speak of the coordinates of a vector with respect to in the same way as in . Just as in with the standard basis, in with the selected basis , a vector is uniquely determined by its coordinates with respect to . As soon as we have chosen a basis, we can try to proceed in the same way as in .
In the following, we assume that is finite-dimensional, i.e. . Let be a basis of . Then every vector is of the form
with uniquely determined coordinates . Analogous to , we now define the linear measurement functions for in
One of the measurement functions therefore determines the -th coordinate of vectors with respect to the basis . Thus,
for every vector .
Note that the definition of depends on the selected basis .
Since vectors in are already uniquely determined by their coordinates, they are also already uniquely determined by the values of . In other words, for all we have
For the same reason as with , none of the can be omitted: If the -th measurement function , , is missing, then any two vectors for which only the -th coordinate with respect to differs, can no longer be distinguished.
Question: Which two vectors can you choose here?
We choose an example analogous to and set
Then holds for all , but nevertheless . If the -th measurement function is omitted, then vectors are no longer uniquely determined by the function values of .
Let be a vector space with a fixed basis and let the be defined as above. If you want to determine vectors uniquely using the values of , you cannot do without any of the . The reason for this is that the result of a measurement (the -th coordinate of with respect to ) cannot be deduced from the other measurements. That means, we cannot represent any of the measurement functions as a linear combination of the other (). In other words, the measurement functions are linearly independent.
On the other hand, the values of already tell us everything there is to know about a vector : Its coordinates with respect to the selected basis . Can all other measurement functions from therefore be combined from ? Any measurement function from is already uniquely determined by its values on the basis vectors according to the principle of linear continuation. For , let be these values. Furthermore, and apply for and all . By inserting the we obtain that
assume the same values on the basis vectors. According to the principle of linear continuation, the two linear maps are therefore identical. Thus, every can be written as a linear combination of . In other word, the measurement functions form a generating system of .
Hence, is a basis of the dual space and we can prove the following theorem:
Theorem (Existence of a dual basis)
Let be a finite dimensional vector space and a basis of . Then there exists a unique basis of such that
is true for all .
Proof (Existence of a dual basis)
Proof step: Existence and uniqueness of the .
According to the principle of linear continuation, the linear maps exist and are uniquely determined by their values on the basis vectors of .
Proof step: The are linearly independent.
Let with . Let further . Because and for , we obtain the following by plugging in :
Because was arbitrary, we conclude .
Proof step: The form a generating system.
Let be arbitrary. For we define and set . Then, proceeding as in the proof of linear independence, we obtain
for each . Because applies to all and because a linear map is already uniquely determined by the images of its basis vectors, we have . The therefore form a generating system.
We call the uniquely determined basis the dual basis with respect to and denote its basis vectors by .
Note that depends on the basis chosen for . Furthermore, you cannot "dualize" individual vectors from , but only entire bases.
What happens in the infinite dimension?
Above, we only considered the case . Can we proceed analogously if is infinite dimensional? To define the measurement functions , we must first choose a basis of . Let be a basis of , where is an (infinite) index set. The principle of linear continuation also applies in infinite dimensions: For given values , , there is exactly one linear map with for all . Just as in the finite-dimensional case, we can therefore define the map for using the rule
We can then show that is also a linearly independent subset of in infinite dimensions. The proof is analogous to the proof of linear independence in the theorem on the dual basis.
However, in infinitely many dimensions, cannot be a generating system of : One can consider the function
which assumes the value 1 on all basis vectors. This function cannot be represented as a finite linear combination of .
So in infinitely many dimensions, the "dual basis" is not a basis of the dual space.
How to get to the proof? (Determining dual basis vectors and their kernels)
We have to construct a linear map . This map is one element of . According to the principle of linear continuation, we can construct linear maps by specifying what they do on a basis.
To use this principle, it is convenient to have a basis of . Even more convenient is to have a basis of that contains as a basis vector.
We can construct such a basis using the basis completion theorem, which tells us that has a basis with . Using the principle of linear continuation, we can thus construct a linear map that does not send to . For example, we can choose that , which sends all to and for to .
This is exactly the dual basis vector in the dual basis to .
Exercise (Determining the dual basis)
- Consider the basis of . Determine the basis which is dual to , that is, for determine the explicit form of the function
- Consider the basis of . Determine the basis dual to , i.e. for determine the explicit form of the function
- Consider the basis of . Determine the basis dual to , i.e. for etermine the explicit form of the function
Solution (Determining the dual basis)
Solution sub-exercise 1:
Set , and . We are looking for linear maps whose values we only know on the basis vectors . We must define for general .
By definition of the dual basis, we already know the function values of each on the basis vectors in . Applying the principle of linear continuation, we can determine all function value: Because is a basis, there are coordinates for each such that . With the help of linearity we get
We know the values by definition of the dual basis. We therefore only need to determine the coordinates of any vector with respect to . Then we can write out the .
Proof step: Determining the coordinates of any vector with respect to
We want to determine the coordinates with respect to of any vector . Let . We write
The coordinates of with respect to the standard basis are therefore simply , and . If we write for the coordinate map, this means
We can convert these into coordinates with respect to by multiplying the coordinate vector of from the left by the basis transition matrix that implements the transfer from to . Then
In order to determine the basis transition matrix , we calculate the coordinates of the standard basis vectors with respect to . These form the columns of .
We start with : We are looking for such that
For this we hae to solve the linear system
which yields , and . In the same way, we determine the coordinates of with respect to and the coordinates of with respect to . Then
Note: We could also have solved all three systems at once by summarizing the "right-hand sides" column by column, i.e. by taking the inverse of
. This makes sense, because this matrix is the basis transition matrix from to the standard basis. Its inverse is therefore the matrix that transitions from to .
The coordinates of with respect to are therefore
Of course, it is also okay to guess the coordinates of with respect to by looking closely without solving systems of equations.
Proof step: Result for
We can now write any as
Using linearity of and the definition of the dual basis, we obtain
In the same way, we calculate and . In total, we have therefore determined the three basis vectors of the dual basis:
Solution sub-exercise 2:
We know what the map does with the basis vectors . To find out how acts on a general vector , we can express it in the basis via linear combination:
This allows us to calculate the desired functions. For we have
For we get
So the function of is
For we get
In summary, we obtain the following functions
Solution sub-exercise 3:
We know the values of each when applied to the basis vectors and want to find the value for any matrix . To do this, we express as a linear combination of :
Using the definition of the dual basis and the linearity of , we can now specify the solution: We have for and , so the following applies
How to get to the proof? (Elements of the dual space and their kernel)
For the elements in the kernel of and , we have for all . This means that the desired only depends on the , which are not in the kernel of and . To understand this in more detail, we first look at the dimension of the kernel. Using the dimension formula, we obtain
and therefore . Now is a subspace of . Because is one-dimensional, we get that the dimension of the image of is either or . Thus or .
Now we have . This means that they both have the same dimension. In case , they have the same dimension as . So in this case, , so and are the zero map. Therefore, and we can choose .
It remains to consider the case . Here, we actually have vectors in which plays a role. To compare the maps, it makes sense to look at them as applied to a basis, since according to the principle of linear continuation we know that and are already completely determined by their behavior on a basis. It is useful to choose a basis of with respect to which we already know a lot about our maps and . We already know what both do on . Let be a basis of . Then we can use the basis completion theorem to continue this basis to a basis of .
Since , we know that and . Furthermore, we know that for . We now need a candidate for . Since depends on elements from that are not mapped to , it makes sense to use for the candidate. With we get .
To see whether is valid for all , by the principle of linear continuation, it is sufficient to check this on our basis . We already know that the statement is true for , as well as for with , since . This proves the statement.
Solution (Elements of the dual space and their kernel)
The function is a linear map between two finite-dimensional vector spaces. From the dimension formula we get
Since the image is a subspace of , we have . Furthermore, applies. We can therefore conclude
Therefore, . On the other hand, , because the kernel is a subspace of . Hence, there are only two possibilities:
- The dimension of is .
- The dimension of is .
Similarly, we can conclude that the dimension of the kernel of is either or .
We assume that and show that there is then a with .
For this, we consider the two cases and separately.
Fall 1:
Fall 2:
In this case, the dimension formula implies
Let be a basis of . Because , it is also a basis of . Due to the basis completion theorem, we can complete to a basis of .
We then define and . The vector is not in , therefore . Define then . We show that . Because of the principle of linear continuation, it is sufficient to prove this equality on the basis of .
We first consider with . Since , we have that
For the basis vector , we have
So and agree when applied to any basis vector. Thus, .
Solution (Dual basis and hyperplanes)
Solution sub-exercise 2:
According to the principle of linear continuation, a linear mapping is determined by what it does on a basis. To be able to use this principle, we first choose a basis of . The basis completion theorem then provides us with a vector , such that is a basis of .
According to the principle of linear continuation, we can then define a candidate for the linear map by saying what happens on a basis of . The vectors are elements of . Since is to be the kernel of , we must require for . The last basis vector is not in . This means that must not lie in the kernel of . For example, that we can demand . To summarize, we define as the linear map with
Since is generated by , we have . We therefore only have to show that . For this, let . Because is a basis of , we find with . Now we know that
Hence and . Therefore, we have .
In the last task, we required because we needed an element in the proof that is neither nor . The field only consists of the elements and