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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 707

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
cheng2 Wasser durch Sedimentabsetzung reinigen, klären, klar, rein, durchsichtig wiktionary Etymologie:
bai3 öffnen, ausbreiten wiktionary Etymologie:
pou2 etwas in beiden Händen halten wiktionary Etymologie:
kui4 Strohkorb wiktionary Etymologie:
kuai4 Amaranth
fu2 Strahl, Floß, Schlagzeugstöcke wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
chéng mài Chengmai (Ort in Hainan)
qing1 cheng2 durchsichtig
cheng2 qing1 Abläuterung, Abscheiden, Absetzung, Bereinigung, Erklärung, Erläuterung, Klarstellung, Klärung, Abklärung, abschwächen, absetzen, entwarnen, aufklären, klären, verdeutlichen, abläuten
zui4 cheng2 Saicho
cheng2 cheng2 Chengcheng (Ort in Shaanxi)
cheng2 jiang1 Chengjiang (Ort in Yunnan)
yang2 cheng2 fu3 Yang Chengfu
yang2 cheng2 fu3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 杨澄甫), Yang Chengfu
cheng2 cheng2 xian4 Chengcheng
cheng2 cheng2 xian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 澄城县), Chengcheng
cheng2 qing1 chi2 Absitzbehälter
cheng2 mai4 xian4 Kreis Chengmai (Provinz Hainan, China)
chen2 cheng2 bo1 Chen Chengpo, Chen Cheng-po
chen2 cheng2 bo1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 陈澄波), Chen Chengpo, Chen Cheng-po
huang2 deng4 deng4 funkelnd gelb
huang2 deng4 deng4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 黄澄澄), funkelnd gelb
cheng2 qing1 ji4 Abklärungsmittel, Aufhellungsmittel
cheng2 qing1 tong3 Absatzbassin
cheng2 qing1 qi4 Absetzbehälter
cheng2 qing1 de5 abgesetzt
cheng2 qing1 pen2 Absetzbottich
cheng2 qing1 she4 bei4 Abläuterungsvorrichtung
cheng2 qing1 qi4 xie4 Abläuterungsvorrichtung
zu2 li4 yi4 cheng2 Ashikaga Yoshizumi
zu2 li4 yi4 cheng2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 足利义澄), Ashikaga Yoshizumi
fan4 dao3 cheng2 nan2 Sumio Iijima
cheng2 qing1 fang1 fa3 Abklärungsmethode
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
zong4 huang2 bai3 he2 geschickt zwischen den Mächten lavieren
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
dong4 fu2 Firstbalken, Firststange
dong4 fu2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 栋桴), Firstbalken, Firststange
fu2 gu3 xiang1 ying4 lit. the hammer fits the drum; appropriate relation between the different parts, closely interrelated
fu2 gu3 xiang1 ying4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 桴鼓相应), lit. the hammer fits the drum; appropriate relation between the different parts, closely interrelated


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
We want to clear up this problem. (Mandarin, Tatoeba zhangxr91 CK )
Danke für die Klarstellung. (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik Yorwba )
Klären wir dieses Problem! (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Tamy )
Klären wir dieses Problem! (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Tamy )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung


Wikijunior: 太阳系/水星 Sonnensystem/Merkur Übersetzung Christian Bauer
水星 有 多大? Wie groß ist der Merkur?
水星 的 直径 大约 有 4879 公里, Merkurs Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 4879 Kilometer.
大约 是 地球 的 三分之一。 Das ist ungefähr ein Drittel der Erde.
十八 个 如此之小 的 水星 才能 充满 一个 地球。 Es braucht 18 so kleine Merkurplaneten, um eine Erde zu füllen
事实上,水星 的 直径 大约 是 月亮 直径 一倍半。 Es ist so, dass der Durchmesser von Merkur ungefähr das anderthalbfache des Monddurchmessers beträgt.
水星 也有 像 月亮 上 的 那些 环形山, Merkur hat auch so ähnliche Krater wie auf der Mondoberfläche.
当 小行星 或 慧星 aufgeschlagen 便 会 形成。 Sie stammen von aufgeschlagenen Asteroiden oder Kometen.
我们 在 水星上 见到 的 最大 环形山 是 Caloris 盆地, Der größte Krater, den wir auf der Merkur sehen können ist das Calorisbecken.
直径 大约 有 1350 公里, Sein Durchmesser beträgt ungefährt 1350 km.
Sein Verursacher 是 一个 极大 的 小行星, Sein Verursacher war ein enorm großer Asteroid.
100 公里 左右 宽, der ungefähr 100 km breit war
在 大概 四十亿年 以前 击中 水星。 Er traf den Merkur ungefähr vor 4 Millarden Jahren.
水星 表面 也有 被 称为 内削壁 的 大 Steilhänge Auf der Merkuroberfläche gibt es auch (lateinisch) Rupes genannte große Steilhänge
他们 在 很久 以前 形成, Sie entstanden vor sehr langer Zeit
在 水星 形成 后不久, nicht lange nachdem sich Merkur gebildet hatte.
就同 水星 一起 冷却 而且 收缩, Zur gleichen Zeit, als sich Merkur abkühlte und schrumpfte
一些 表面 的 地方 falteten sich auf, falteten sich dadurch einige Oberflächenregionen auf.
这 产生了 内削壁。 Diese bildeten dann die Rupes.
那里 也有 平原, Dort gibt es auch Ebenen
他们 其 中的 一些 是 很久 以前 的 火山-ausbrüche 所 形成 的。 Von denen sind einige vor sehr langer Zeit durch Vulkanausbrüche entstanden.
水星 的 北极 附近 的 火山口 的 底部,可能 有 冰。 Der Boden des Vulkankraters in der Nähe des Nordpols des Merkur kann möglicherweise Eis enthalten
火山口 的 Kruste 有 Bedeckung, Die Kruste des Vulkankraters ist verdeckt
因此 冰 不会 汽化。 daher kann das Eis nicht verdampfen
水星 的 白天 非常 热, An einem Merkurtag ist es außerordentlich heiß,
而 在 晚上 却 非常 寒冷。 aber die Nacht ist außerordentlich kalt.
白天 是 如此 热, Am Tag ist es so heiß,
热 得 足够 融化 锡! dass die Hitze ausreicht, Zinn zu schmelzen.
因为 水星 离 太阳 太近了。 Dies liegt daran, dass der Merkur der Sonne sehr nahe ist.
在 晚上,水星 只有 很少 的 大气,所以,... In der Nacht, da der Merkur nur sehr wenig Atmosphäre hat,
它 几乎 失去 它 所有 的 热, verliert er fast vollständig seine Wärme.
水星 没有 月亮, Merkur hat keinen Mond
它 的 体积 太小, sein Volumen ist sehr klein
而且 离 太阳 太近, und er ist der Sonne sehr nahe.
能 被 水星 抓到 的 月亮, Wenn der Merkur einen Mond einfangen würde,
立刻 就会 被 太阳 夺走了。 würde er sofort von der Sonne weggeschnappt werden.



“完善生育政策,适时出台调整方案”被部分 Medien-报导与放开“二胎”政策联系起来。近年来,在低生育率和人口老龄化加速的社会大趋势下,有学者提出逐步放开二胎政策,例如可从“单独二胎”开始。“单独二胎”是指夫妻双方一方为独生子女的可生育第二胎。




不少 Medien 都把上述发言解读为这是“单独二胎”政策是否放开正在研究当中的信息。



据前述《北京晨报》报导,人口学家、北京大学社会学系教授陆杰华指出,人口计生政策调整与坚持计划生育基本国策并不 Widerspruch,而且“逐步完善政策”并不意味着要“放开二胎”。他还指出,完善生育政策并非新的提法,早在人口发展十二五规划中已提出类似说法。



例如,有网友问及,在卫生和计划生育事业中长期规划中生育政策的完善如何体现?对此,国家卫生计生委规划信息司司长侯岩回应,在现行生育政策条件下,人口增长的态势进一步减弱,但预计未来20年我国人口总量仍将继续惯性增长,人口与资源、环境及经济社会协调发展的 Widersprüche 将进一步显现。因此,国务院已经下发的人口发展“十二五”规划,把“坚持计划生育国策,稳定低生育水平”作为“十二五”时期人口发展八项任务之首。





在国新办举行的新闻发布会上,国家统计局局长马建堂也特地提出,建议 Medien 关注劳动年龄人口下降的数据,“中国15岁以上不满60周岁的劳动年龄人口,在比较长的一段时间,至少在2030年以前,我想应该是稳步地、逐步地有所减少。”


Zong He infzm.com


Family-planning adjustment isn’t an invitation to bring on the second kid

The revision in the family planning policy does not indicate that the birth of second children is permitted.

Recently, the National Board of Health and Family Planning issued notice that “the health service” would implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course”, which attracted widespread attention. However, the board’s publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated, “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up.”

This promise to implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course” was interpreted by the media as the impending release of a policy allowing families to have a second child. In the current climate of a society with a low birth rate and a rapidly ageing population, some scholars have proposed phasing in a policy that allows a second child, for example by starting with permitting couples who have no siblings to have a second child.

According to news issued by the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s website on the 2nd of August, its publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated that its fundamental national family planning policy must be adhered to long term.

Mao Qunan stated that for the foreseeable future, the fundamental state of the nation will still consist of a large, inadequately supported population, less resources per capita, insufficient environmental capacity and uneven development. The stress that the population has on the economy, society, resources and the environment will be present for a long time. The fundamental national family planning policy must be adhered to long term.

At the same time, Mao Qunan stated, a “perfect family planning policy” was an important responsibility of the National Board of Health and Family Planning. A perfect family planning policy must consider maintaining China’s low birth rate, as well as a good deal of other factors such as the people’s desire to raise children, social and economic development, and demographic changes. Therefore, “The board is currently organising research into the relationships between the quantity, nature, composition and distribution of the population so that the grounds for the perfect policy can be discovered.”

A lot of the news media took the above quote mean that research was underway to decide whether a policy permitting couples who have no siblings to have a second child should be implemented.

However, according to a report in the “Beijing Morning Post” on the 7th of August, Mao Qunan clarified things further, saying that a lot of people consider that family planning policy is all about the number of births. In fact, it’s far more than just this. “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up. It is not the same as just deciding whether or not to implement a policy permitting second births.”

“Perfecting the family planning policy” really isn’t anything new.

According to the aforementioned report of the “Beijing Morning Post”, Lu Jiehua, demographer and Peking University sociology professor, pointed out that adjusting the family planning policy and persisting with the basic national policy on it is not contradictory. Additionally, “progressively improving the policy” simply does not imply that the policy on second child births will be opened up. He also noted that “perfecting the family planning policy” really isn’t anything new. A similar argument has been made in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan with regards to population development.

From my understanding, the “‘Twelfth Five-Year’ Plan with regards to population development” and the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s “three rules” proposal all mention progressively “improving the family planning policy”.

On the 25th of June 2013, straight after the National Board of Health and Family Planning was established, it held its first round of online interviews, and made a live broadcast from its official post on Weibo “@Healthy China“. Many web users comments still surrounded the one child policy, including topics such as how the situation of parents losing an only child should be dealt with and whether couples who are themselves only children could have a second child.

For example, a web user asked how improvements in family planning policy would be reflected in the mid to long term plans of the National Board of Health and Family Planning. In response, the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s news secretary Hou Yan said that although under the current birth policy the growth in the population had fallen off, he expected that in the next 20 years it would continue to increase and that further discrepancies would appear between the population and it’s resources, environment and economy. Therefore, the State Council took “persevering with the national family planning policy” as priority of its “Twelfth Five-Year” plan regarding population development.

Hou Yan said, “We will in accordance with the national policy on population development improve step by step the family planning policy system, implement policies related to the population policy, and also promote family planning and coordinated economic and social development whilst not over-stretching resources and the environment.”

The decline in the working-age population in 2012

According to a report in the “Beijing Morning Post”, Lu Jiehua believes that under the current population climate, China’s birth policy has already ushered in an intermediary adjustment phase. This is due to China having a low birth rate for a long period of time, causing an increasingly serious ageing of the population and a decline in the working-age population.

In 2012, the national economic and social development figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that in 2012 China’s working-age population experienced its first absolute decline in a long time. In 2012, China’s working population of 15-59 years olds stood at 937 million, which was a reduction of 3.45 million from the end of the previous year, representing a 0.6% decrease. At the same time, the over-60 population stood at 190 million, which was 14.3% of the total population, representing a 0.59% increase from the year prior.

In a press conference held by the State Council Information Office, head of the National Bureau of Statistics Ma Jiantang specifically pointed out that the media should pay attention to the falling figures of the working-age population, “I think that the working-age population from 15 to 59 will reduce stably over a relatively long period of time up to at least 2030.”

“You asked me whether this issue concerns me. I can’t deny that it does.” Ma Jiantang said that after decades of family planning, the composition of China’s population and labour supply had seen some changes. He believes, “At the same time as persevering with the one child policy, it will also be necessary to research appropriate scientific policies on population in accordance with the latest situation.”

Julien Leyre website










据前述《北京晨报》报导,人口学家、北京大学社会学系教授陆杰华指出,人口计生政策调整与坚持计划生育基本国策并不 Widerspruch,而且“逐步完善政策”并不意味着要“放开二胎”。他还指出,完善生育政策并非新的提法,早在人口发展十二五规划中已提出类似说法。



例如,有网友问及,在卫生和计划生育事业中长期规划中生育政策的完善如何体现?对此,国家卫生计生委规划信息司司长侯岩回应,在现行生育政策条件下,人口增长的态势进一步减弱,但预计未来20年我国人口总量仍将继续惯性增长,人口与资源、环境及经济社会协调发展的 Widersprüche 将进一步显现。因此,国务院已经下发的人口发展“十二五”规划,把“坚持计划生育国策,稳定低生育水平”作为“十二五”时期人口发展八项任务之首。







Zong He infzm.com


Family-planning adjustment isn’t an invitation to bring on the second kid

The revision in the family planning policy does not indicate that the birth of second children is permitted.

Recently, the National Board of Health and Family Planning issued notice that “the health service” would implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course”, which attracted widespread attention. However, the board’s publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated, “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up.”

This promise to implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course” was interpreted by the media as the impending release of a policy allowing families to have a second child. In the current climate of a society with a low birth rate and a rapidly ageing population, some scholars have proposed phasing in a policy that allows a second child, for example by starting with permitting couples who have no siblings to have a second child.

According to news issued by the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s website on the 2nd of August, its publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated that its fundamental national family planning policy must be adhered to long term.

Mao Qunan stated that for the foreseeable future, the fundamental state of the nation will still consist of a large, inadequately supported population, less resources per capita, insufficient environmental capacity and uneven development. The stress that the population has on the economy, society, resources and the environment will be present for a long time. The fundamental national family planning policy must be adhered to long term.

At the same time, Mao Qunan stated, a “perfect family planning policy” was an important responsibility of the National Board of Health and Family Planning. A perfect family planning policy must consider maintaining China’s low birth rate, as well as a good deal of other factors such as the people’s desire to raise children, social and economic development, and demographic changes. Therefore, “The board is currently organising research into the relationships between the quantity, nature, composition and distribution of the population so that the grounds for the perfect policy can be discovered.”

A lot of the news media took the above quote mean that research was underway to decide whether a policy permitting couples who have no siblings to have a second child should be implemented.

However, according to a report in the “Beijing Morning Post” on the 7th of August, Mao Qunan clarified things further, saying that a lot of people consider that family planning policy is all about the number of births. In fact, it’s far more than just this. “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up. It is not the same as just deciding whether or not to implement a policy permitting second births.”

“Perfecting the family planning policy” really isn’t anything new.

According to the aforementioned report of the “Beijing Morning Post”, Lu Jiehua, demographer and Peking University sociology professor, pointed out that adjusting the family planning policy and persisting with the basic national policy on it is not contradictory. Additionally, “progressively improving the policy” simply does not imply that the policy on second child births will be opened up. He also noted that “perfecting the family planning policy” really isn’t anything new. A similar argument has been made in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan with regards to population development.

From my understanding, the “‘Twelfth Five-Year’ Plan with regards to population development” and the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s “three rules” proposal all mention progressively “improving the family planning policy”.

On the 25th of June 2013, straight after the National Board of Health and Family Planning was established, it held its first round of online interviews, and made a live broadcast from its official post on Weibo “@Healthy China“. Many web users comments still surrounded the one child policy, including topics such as how the situation of parents losing an only child should be dealt with and whether couples who are themselves only children could have a second child.

For example, a web user asked how improvements in family planning policy would be reflected in the mid to long term plans of the National Board of Health and Family Planning. In response, the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s news secretary Hou Yan said that although under the current birth policy the growth in the population had fallen off, he expected that in the next 20 years it would continue to increase and that further discrepancies would appear between the population and it’s resources, environment and economy. Therefore, the State Council took “persevering with the national family planning policy” as priority of its “Twelfth Five-Year” plan regarding population development.

Hou Yan said, “We will in accordance with the national policy on population development improve step by step the family planning policy system, implement policies related to the population policy, and also promote family planning and coordinated economic and social development whilst not over-stretching resources and the environment.”

The decline in the working-age population in 2012

According to a report in the “Beijing Morning Post”, Lu Jiehua believes that under the current population climate, China’s birth policy has already ushered in an intermediary adjustment phase. This is due to China having a low birth rate for a long period of time, causing an increasingly serious ageing of the population and a decline in the working-age population.

In 2012, the national economic and social development figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that in 2012 China’s working-age population experienced its first absolute decline in a long time. In 2012, China’s working population of 15-59 years olds stood at 937 million, which was a reduction of 3.45 million from the end of the previous year, representing a 0.6% decrease. At the same time, the over-60 population stood at 190 million, which was 14.3% of the total population, representing a 0.59% increase from the year prior.

In a press conference held by the State Council Information Office, head of the National Bureau of Statistics Ma Jiantang specifically pointed out that the media should pay attention to the falling figures of the working-age population, “I think that the working-age population from 15 to 59 will reduce stably over a relatively long period of time up to at least 2030.”

“You asked me whether this issue concerns me. I can’t deny that it does.” Ma Jiantang said that after decades of family planning, the composition of China’s population and labour supply had seen some changes. He believes, “At the same time as persevering with the one child policy, it will also be necessary to research appropriate scientific policies on population in accordance with the latest situation.”

Julien Leyre website



=== the marco polo project: 国家卫计委:调整生育政策不代表放开“二胎” – Family-planning adjustment isn’t an invitation to bring on the second kid (Auszug) ===



Zong He Nanfang Zhoumo

The revision in the family planning policy does not indicate that the birth of second children is permitted.

Recently, the National Board of Health and Family Planning issued notice that “the health service” would implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course”, which attracted widespread attention. However, the board’s publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated, “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up.”



Übersetzung James Legge

The Master said, "My doctrines make no way. I will get upon a raft, and float about on the sea. He that will accompany me will be You, I dare to say." Zi Lu hearing this was glad, upon which the Master said, "You is fonder of daring than I am. He does not exercise his judgment upon matters."




Richard Wilhelm


Der Anfang der Sitte liegt beim Essen und Trinken. In der allerältesten Zeit röstete man die Körner auf erhitzten Steinen und zerlegte das Fleisch mit den Fingern. Man höhlte Erdlöcher aus als Töpfe und schöpfte mit den hohlen Händen. Man hatte Trommelschlegel aus Grasstengeln und Trommeln aus Ton. Und doch konnte man auch damit seine Ehrfurcht vor Geistern und Göttern bezeugen.

James Legge


At the first use of ceremonies, they began with meat and drink. They roasted millet and pieces of pork; they excavated the ground in the form of a jar, and scooped the water from it with their two hands; they fashioned a handle of clay, and struck with it an earthen drum. (Simple as these arrangements were), they yet seemed to be able to express by them their reverence for Spiritual Beings.





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