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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟), Radikal Nr. 213 = Schildkröte wiktionary Etymologie:
dian1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠), Gipfel, Spitze, Scheitel, auf den Kopf stellen, invertieren, laufen, abhauen, holpern, rumpeln, rütteln, schüttelnd wiktionary Etymologie:
dan1 anstarren, hindern, verzögern wiktionary Etymologie:
bo1 abschälen, schälen, abbalgen, das Fell abziehen wiktionary Etymologie:
fan2 ein Stück wertvoller Jade wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
gui1 tou2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟头), Glans penis, Eichel
wei2 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 围龟), Weigui
zhe2 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 折龟), Zhegui
hai3 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 海龟), Meeresschildkröte
jin1 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 金龟), Landschildkröte
gui1 wen2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟纹), Moirè-Effekt
gui1 chuan2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟船), Schildkrötenschiff
shi3 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 史龟), Shigui
gui1 jia3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟甲), Schildpatt
gui1 shan1 xiang1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟山乡), Kueishan (Dorf in Taiwan)
jin1 gui1 zi3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 金龟子), Blatthornkäfer
xin1 jin1 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 新金龟), VW New Beetle <Auto>
gui1 er2 zi5 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟儿子), Hurensohn (Sichuan-Slang)
da4 tou2 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 大头龟), Großkopfschildkröte
xiao3 hai3 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 小海龟), kleine Meeresschildkröte
gui1 jia3 wan4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟甲万), Kikkoman
liu4 gui1 xiang1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 六龟乡), Liukuei (Dorf in Taiwan)
tu3 gui1 shu3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 土龟属), Schildkrot
leng2 pi2 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 棱皮龟), Lederschildkröte
hong2 er3 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 红耳龟), Rotwangen-Schmuckschildkröte
ren3 zhe3 gui1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 忍者龟), Ninja Turtles
gui1 shan1 tian1 huang2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟山天皇), Kameyama
gui1 li2 he2 ye3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟梨和也), Kazuya Kamenashi
gui1 jing3 jing4 xiang1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟井静香), Shizuka Kamei
gui1 mao2 tu4 jiao3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟毛兔角), kann nicht existieren, kann es nicht geben
gui1 shou3 yan2 nian2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟手延年), langlebig (wie Schildkröten)
gui1 chang2 yu2 she2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龟长于蛇), Die realen Umstände müssen beachtet werden, nicht das Allgemeine
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
dian1 dao3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠倒), Rückseite, konfus; verrückt, verrückte, verrücktes
dian1 kuang2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠狂), wahnsinnig
bu2 lie4 dian1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠), Britannien
dian1 qie2 pian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠茄片), Belladonna
dian1 dao3 shi4 fei1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠倒是非), Recht und Unrecht verdrehen
xin1 bu4 lie4 dian1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 新不列颠), Neubritannien
dian1 dao3 guo4 lai2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠倒过来), invertieren, umkehren
shen2 hun2 dian1 dao3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 神魂颠倒), fasziniert, verrückt
bu2 lie4 dian1 kong1 zhan4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠空战), Luftschlacht um England
dian1 dao3 de5 ye4 mian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颠倒的页面), gestürzte Seite
bu2 lie4 dian1 ni2 ya4 hao4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠尼亚号), H.M. Yacht Britannia
da4 bu4 lie4 dian1 wang2 guo2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 大不列颠王国), Königreich Großbritannien
shi3 ren2 shen2 hun2 dian1 dao3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 使人神魂颠倒), faszinierend
bu2 lie4 dian1 ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠哥伦比亚), Britisch-Kolumbien
bu2 lie4 dian1 di4 guo2 xun1 zhang1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠帝国勋章), Order of the British Empire
bu2 lie4 dian1 dong1 yin4 du4 gong1 si1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠东印度公司), Britische Ostindien-Kompanie
bu2 lie4 dian1 ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 da4 xue2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不列颠哥伦比亚大学), University of British Columbia
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
dan1 dan1 starren, anschauen
hu3 shi4 dan1 dan1 wie ein gieriger Tiger jemandem auflauern
hu3 shi4 dan1 dan1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 虎视眈眈), wie ein gieriger Tiger jemandem auflauern
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
bo1 jia2 Außenhaut
pan2 bo1 Ausnutzen eines Sicherheitsproblems von Software
bo1 duo2 aberkennen, berauben
bo1 li2 Abraum
bo1 luo4 abblättern
bo1 xue1 Ausbeutung, ausbeuten
bo1 diao4 schälen
bo1 pi2 abbalgen, abplatzen (Druckw), häuten
bo1 tong2 Kupfer abschälen
bo1 li2 ceng2 Abziehschicht
bo1 pi2 zhe3 Enthäuter
bei4 bo1 duo2 entziehen, entzogen
bo1 xue1 zhe3 Aussauger
bo1 li2 qi1 Abziehlack
bo1 luo4 wu4 Abblätterung
bo1 pi2 gong1 ren2 Pelzhändler
bo1 duo2 zi1 ge5 Ausschluss, Disqualifikation
bo1 duo2 zi4 you2 Freiheitsentzug, Freiheitsentziehung
bo1 duo2 gong1 quan2 Entziehung
bo1 shou4 pi2 zhe3 Enthäuter
fen1 liu2 bo1 li2 Outsourcing
bei4 bo1 xue1 jie1 ji2 ausgebeutete Klasse
bi4 bi4 bo1 bo1 de5 prasselnd, knisternd
bo1 duo2 shi3 yong4 quan2 Gebrauchsentziehung
biao3 pi2 bo1 tuo1 su4 Ektotoxin
bo1 duo2 xing2 dong4 zi4 you2 Freiheitsberaubung
qi2 bo1 qu3 de5 ruan3 pi2 Gämse, Gemse
dai4 you3 ke3 bo1 li2 ceng2 de5 meng2 ban3 ruan3 pian4 Maskierfilm mit abziehbarer Maskierschicht
yi1 zhen4 bi4 bi4 bo1 bo1 de5 luan4 han3 luan4 jiao4 ein wildes Knacken und Knistern
yi1 zhen4 bi4 bi4 bo1 bo1 de5 luan4 han3 luan4 jiao4 lu4 ein wildes Knacken und Knistern


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Scarabs are insects. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus sharris123 )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Britain is also an island. Britain is an island as well. Britain, too, is an island. (Mandarin, Tatoeba billt_estates soweli_Elepanto )
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika erklärten im Jahre 1776 ihre Unabhängigkeit von Großbritannien. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Leolaaziano Yorwba )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Die Landesregierung hat die Bürger ihrer Rechte beraubt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fenfang557 Yorwba )
Eine vorzeitige Plazentalösung ist sehr gefährlich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba )
Niemand kann dir deine Menschenrechte entziehen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba penelope0707 Yorwba )
Dieses Gesetz wird uns unserer Grundrechte berauben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba wangzi0921 Sudajaengi )
Ich schäle dir eine Orange. (Mandarin, Tatoeba basilhan Haehnchenpaella )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung



近两日,广大小朋友和中小学生都开学了。随着开学而来的,还有幼儿园费用的大幅上涨和陕西山阳县一公立幼儿园通知称,父母双方都必须在县直机关单位上班者才符合报名条件。虽然,主管部门就“公立幼儿园只招官二代”一事向网友道歉,但现实还是:这是一个“Familienhintergrund”的时代。(人民网 9月3日)

公立幼儿园只招官二代?不要以为这是谣言和炒作,这种只可能在封建社会发生的事情(精英教育、贵族教育)居然真实地发生在如今的社会里,着实令人大吃一惊 und schockierend。透过这一事件,结合目前我国的教育现状及问题,我们可以思考的有许多。

首先,“入园难、入园贵”为何发生?理论上来说,我国目前的幼儿园数量足以满足幼儿的教育需要,但是倘若将这些幼儿园细细划分为公立幼儿园和私立幼儿园的话,就足以解释当下一个非常奇怪的教育怪象了。那就是公立幼儿园由于设备完善、师资雄厚吸引了众多的家长,报名现场更是门庭若市。而私立幼儿园由于设备欠缺、师资不济很少得到关注,报名现场可谓 extrem selten。更为重要的一点是公立幼儿园可以得到更多的国家和地方政府的补助,进入公立幼儿园也就意味着孩子的生活学习有了安全保障。因此,新闻中的那所公立幼儿园为了缓解学生人数,限定报名条件也就可以理解了。

但是,人满为患并不能成为教育不公的理由!公立幼儿园并不能因为报名人数太多,就随便添加入学条件,甚至拿幼儿父母的身份和地位说事,这不应该是公立幼儿园做的。如此做法就是 einfach nur 剥夺了一部分人的受教育权,更是对相关教育法律法规的 trampeln 和亵渎。

近代学前教育理论的奠基人、“幼儿教育之父”福禄培儿就积极进行幼儿教育的宣传,提倡发展幼儿教育,aufrufen 整个社会对学前教育的重视。我国近代学前教育理论和实践的开拓者——陈鹤琴更是一生致力于符合中国国情的儿童教育,“活教育思想”对我国近代幼儿教育起到了至关重要的作用。然而,看看当下的社会对于幼儿教育的态度吧,幼儿园招收幼儿时恐怕已经忘记了作为教育工作者所应具有的使命吧。而家长们呢,哪里又考虑到幼儿身心的健康发展,一味地把孩子送到公立幼儿园,却不曾考虑孩子的承受能力和实际情况。


Shouwang Yue'r


Public Kindergarten’s recruitment scandal

Over the past two days, many young elementary and middle school children have started school. Accompanying the return to school has come a dramatic rise in kindergarten fees, and news of a public kindergarten in Shanyang County in Shaanxi Province which would only accept for enrolment children whose parents are both employed in County-level government positions. Although the department responsible has apologised to internet users for the “public kindergarten recruiting children of officials” scandal, the fact remains: this is an era in which having a better family background matters. (September 3, people.com.cn)

A public kindergarten recruiting only the children of officials? Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is mere rumour and sensationalism. Such a thing could only happen in a feudal society (elitist, aristocratic education). That it actually happened in today’s society is truly startling and shocking. Looking at this incident together with the current status and problems of China’s education system gives us much to think about.

Firstly, why is it so difficult and expensive to get into kindergarten? In theory, China has enough kindergartens at present to meet children’s educational needs. However, by dividing these into public and private kindergartens, the explanation for a very strange phenomenon in the current education system becomes apparent. That is, because so many families want the full facilities and qualified teachers which public kindergartens offer, enrolments are overcrowded. Private kindergartens, with poor facilities and underqualified teachers, receive little interest, and enrolments are sparse. More importantly, public kindergartens can receive more national and regional subsidies. Entering a public school is a guarantee of security for children in their studies and daily lives. In light of this, it is understandable that that public kindergarten in the news would limit enrolment conditions in order to reduce student numbers.

However, overcrowding cannot justify unfairness in education! Public kindergartens cannot place whatever conditions on enrolment they please simply because enrolment numbers are too high, even taking into account parents’ status and position. This is not something public kindergartens should be doing. These kinds of actions blatantly deprive some people of their right to education, profaning and trampling on education laws and regulations.

Friedrich Frobel, the founder of modern preschool education and “father of early childhood education”, actively publicised and advocated the development of early childhood education, calling on the whole of society to value preschool education. Chen Heqin, the pioneer of modern preschool education theory and practice in China, devoted his life to a type of childhood education suitable for China. “Living education theory” had a great impact on China’s modern early childhood education. However, take a look at attitudes towards early childhood education in today’s society. It seems that kindergartens, when recruiting children, have forgotten what their mission as educators should be. As for parents, they do not spare a thought for their children’s healthy mental and physical growth, blindly sending them to public kindergartens without considering their children’s particular needs and ability to cope.

In fact, the root cause for the absurd phenomenon of some public kindergartens only accepting the children of officials lies in the present unequal distribution and allocation of educational resources. In order to resolve this phenomenon, the country, society, schools and parents must all constantly strive towards education suited to the children. To put it another way, if in all matters consideration was given to children’s mental and physical development, would it be so difficult and expensive to get into kindergarten!?

Julien Leyre website


我在三十年前第一次见到茅老师,他就给我讲数理经济学,今天他给大家讲人文经济学。我不想太细评论他的观点,因为他的好多观点我都很赞同。有时候, 他的好多观点,包括在座听众不一定听得特别明白。但从我三十年的跟茅老师交往的经验来看,他的好多观点非常深刻,有些是自己悟出来的,不是借鉴别人的东 西,这是非常了不起的一点。

我把茅老师讲人文经济学和发起人文经济学会理解为中国新的启蒙运动的开始。经济学是研究什么的?茅老师越来越走向人文经济学以后,我感到经济学是研 究人与人之间怎么更好地合作。当然这也不是什么新问题,人类有史以来都在探讨这个。从思想角度看,人类有两个500年对这个问题的贡献最大,当然了,这远 远超出了我们经济学范畴。第一个500年就是公元前500年开始的所谓轴心时代,从孔子到耶稣,那个时代无论东方还是西方都出现了伟大的思想家。另一个 500年是从14世纪的文艺复兴到18世纪的启蒙运动。

第一个500年,先知研究人怎么更好合作、怎么幸福,更多强调心,强调怎么改造人的心。第二个500年换了一个角度,强调人的行为,这是一个革命性 的变化。第一个500年无论东方还是西方都出现了伟大的人物,但是很遗憾,第二个500年东方没有贡献,或者有,但是跟西方的套路不一样,我们没有走向理 性、自由、民主这样的层面。

我 们看一下,在100多年前中国就开始启蒙,非常遗憾,100年前特别是20世纪20年代以后启蒙就中断了。我感觉对于西方启蒙时代的一些思想,今天中国人 的了解比100年前的中国人少得多,包括政治家也一样,好比慈禧太后对宪政的理解就比现在很多人深刻。她说为什么要搞预备立宪?她说这是普世价值,如果中 国不搞预备立宪,全世界人不把我们当正常的国家看。


我觉得人类进步就是少数、可以数得出来的几十个思想家创造的。在过去200多年,对人类进步最大的是关于市场的理念,它的力量推动社会进步。亚当· 斯密不是经济学家,它是伦理哲学家。过去认为一个人干事为了自己肯定是坏事,亚当·斯密第一个系统证明一个人追求自身目的可以为社会带来价值,这就是我们 讲的“看不见的手”的价值。

这里我要特别强调一下,亚当·斯密1759年出版《道德情操论》,被一些人认为和亚当·斯密1776年出版的《国富论》不一样,甚至相反的。我们要 真正理解道德情操是什么东西,才能更好地理解为什么亚当-斯密如此强调市场经济,市场经济怎么使一个人的利己之心变成利人之行,然后导致人类的合作,给我 们人类带来共同的进步。


他特别举了一个例子:设想一下假如中华帝国数亿人被一场地震所吞没,远在欧洲的一个富人、一个企业家会有什么感觉?他可能感觉悲伤、Mitgefühl,他不能忍受数亿人突然间没了,但是做完这些事以后他该做生意还是做生意,晚上睡觉还是正常。但是同样一个人,如果想到明天早上手指头会被人 abgeschlagen,他可能一晚上都没法入睡。





人类好多的灾难,为什么好人不干好事?我认为一个重要的原因,是我们把人假定得太好了,结果我们都变成坏人,反倒如果我们都把人假定为坏人的话也可能都变成好人。看看我们的皇帝,我们过去假定皇帝是圣人,全心全意为人民服务,如果早就假定皇帝是自私的,他有自己的利益,政府官员也是贪婪的,那么我们早就走进民主制度了,那我们就不至于经历这么多灾难,包括文革灾难、大跃进的灾难。我们搞市场经济,不可能有大跃进,不可能吃大 Topf 饭,也不可能有文革,所以市场本身就是一种人文。所以茅老师强调的这点我觉得非常重要。

我们经济学家需要认识到自己的局限,尤其是当我们按照数学方式处理问题的时候,什么重要、什么不重要不依赖于本身,而依赖于数学上怎么处理,凡是数学上不能处理的东西假定它不存在,这个是要命的。所以很多理论,包括一般均衡理论得到的结论是错误的,错就错在它的假设完全不现实;错就错在,本来是为了证明市场有效的经济学理论,结果却 beflecken 市场的名声。如今很多经济学家讲的“市场失败”其实不是市场失败,而是市场理论的失败,我们却认为是市场本身的失败。这是很可悲的事情。所以经济学家也要不断地反思。

最后我用简单的例子,告诉大家人文经济学应该考虑什么。有一个经济学家开车出去旅游的时候迷路了,然后他找到一个农场主,问农场主路怎么走?农场主很客气地告诉他路怎么走。经济学家为了显摆自己的知识,说我打一个 Wette,十秒钟内数你有多少羊。农场主说,不可能,如果数对了我送你一只羊。经济学家说你有783只羊,农场主很惊讶,只好说这么多羊你挑吧。经济学家挑了一只准备上车的时候,农场主说等一下,我也跟你打一下 Wette,我能猜出你是干什么的,如果猜着了我的东西你放回,经济学家说没有问题。农场主说,你是经济学家。经济学家说,你怎么知道我是经济学家?农场主说,你数是数对了,但是你抱走的是我家的狗不是羊。

Zhang Weiying


Humanistic economics opens a new enlightenment

Speech pronounced at the inauguration ceremony of the Economics and Humanities Institute

I first met teacher Mao thirty years ago, when he taught me about mathematical economics; today, he will talk to everyone about humanistic economics. I do not want to comment on his views too finely, because I agree with a lot of his ideas. Sometimes, his ideas may be difficult to understand, including for the audience. But in my three decades of experience dealing with Professor Mao, I can say that a lot of his ideas are very deep, and some of them he came up with himself, he didn’t borrow them from others: that’s a really fantastic point.

I consider that Professor Mao’s speech about Humanistic economics and its launch of Humanistic economics marks the beginning of a new enlightenment for China. What does economics study? As Professor Mao’s teaching evolved more and more towards humanistic economics, I have come to feel that economics is the study of how to improve cooperation among people. Of course, this is not a new problem, and it’s been discussed throughout mankind’s history. From an ideological point of view, there have been two 500 year periods in the history of mankind that saw the most contributions to that question – which of course, goes far beyond the scope of economics. The first 500 year period is the one starting from about 500BC, the so-called ‘core age’ 轴心时代, where from Confucius to Jesus, East and West alike have seen great thinkers. The second period goes from the 1400 Renaissance to the 1800 Enlightenment.

In the first 500 year period, thinkers reflecting on questions of living together and happiness, but more particularly even about the heart and mind, how to transform people’s hearts and minds. In the second period, the angle changed, to put an emphasis on human behaviour, which was a revolutionary change. In the first period, both East and West gave rise to great figures, but unfortunately, the East did not contribute to the second period, or if we did, not in the same way the West did, we didn’t go towards the same level of rationality, freedom and democracy.

Let’s have a look: slightly over 100 years ago, China started its enlightenment – but I’m very sorry to say, 100 years ago, and especially during the 1920s, that enlightenment was interrupted. I feel that, when it comes to the ideas of the Western enlightenment, Chinese people today understand them less than Chinese people did 100 years ago, including politicians. Dowager Cixi’s understanding of constitutionalism was deeper than most people’s today. She said: why should we prepare a constitution? Because this is of universal value, and if China does not prepare a constitution, the whole world will look at us as an abnormal country.

I hope that the establishment of a Humanistic Economics Institute marks the beginning of a new enlightenment. In fact, we already opened one thirty years ago, but it closed after a few years, and we haven’t had one since. But the change of leadership this year indicates a new age of enlightenment for China.

I believe that human progress was enabled by a small number of great thinkers. In the past 200 years, what most contributed to human progress is the idea of the market and its capacity to promote social progress. Adam Smith was not an economist, he was an ethical philosopher. In the past, we used to think that if a person did something for themselves, it was bad, but Adam Smith was the first to prove systematically that an individual’s pursuit of their interest can bring value to the community, and this is what we talk about when we talk about ‘the invisible hand’.

I would like to stress something here: some people consider that the Adam Smith who published “The theory of moral sentiments” in 1759 is not the same as the Adam Smith who published “The Wealth of Nations” in 1776, that they’re even opposite. But only If we really understand what moral sentiments are can we correctly understand why Adam Smith put so much emphasis on the market economy, and how the market economy turns a person’s self-interest into a movement that benefits all, then leads to human cooperation, and leads to our common human progress.

Adam Smith put a particular emphasis on compassion: no matter how selfish people are, there is a compassionate aspect to their nature, and if they see other people happy, they themselves will feel pleasure. Adam Smith also stresses that compassion is based on self-centredness, but self-centredness is not necessarily selfishness. The example he takes is that people are most compassionate about themselves, then with the brothers, sisters and parents that share your life, and compassion for people further from you is weaker.

He proposes one example in particular: imagine if the hundreds of millions of people of the Chinese empire were swallowed in an earthquake, how would a rich European man, a European entrepreneur, feel about it? He may feel sadness and compassion, he couldn’t bear the thought of hundreds of millions of people suddenly disappearing, but once the feeling passed, he would go on with his business, and still sleep at night. But the same man, if he believed that his fingers would be chopped off the following day, he may spend the full night unable to sleep.

And so Adam Smith believed that human progress requires a lot of collaboration, 而一个人穷尽一生也交不了几个朋友,mankind is always in need of kindness, but relying on mercy alone is not enough. And so he says in a famous sentence: ‘The food we need every day does not come from the cook, the baker, or the brewer’s kindness, but from their own self-interest. We don’t need to talk about their humanity, but their own self-love, and not from talking to them about what we need, but what is good for them.’

I believe this is the greatest thought of humanity. 200 hundred years later, it has been proven that we must still stick to this kind of thinking for happiness and better cooperation. The reforms have brought forth a lot of problems to us in China, and to some extent because we do not understand what the real market is. Of course, China had a thinker as great at Adam Smith 2000 years ago, and my fellow countryman Sima Qian talked about these things in the ‘Merchant’s biography’. Of course, this did not take the form of rigorous scientific discourse, but he talked about how basic free competition brought increased wealth.

Professor Mao has just spoken very thoroughly, when we economists shifted to mathematical economics, and took material wealth as the sole measure of human happiness, that was a mistake. Humanity has many needs, including the need for freedom. Freedom is the most basic human need. When any government punishes someone, it is by depriving them of their freedom, which goes to show how precious freedom is. Only the market can protect freedom and, of course, only freedom can protect the market. In fact, freedom and the market are exactly the same thing. And only the market can give everyone independence, and give us self-esteem: what professor Mao just said about how money can buy everything includes also this meaning.

Economics has also been very misunderstood from the Humanities, and so it is very interesting that the two should come together today. Because most of the humanities scholars show contempt towards economists, and treat them with irony. I would particularly like to talk shortly about one point, how important is the assumption that people are rational or selfsih, some people, when seeing moral depravity, say ‘you economists make this assumption, and this makes people selfish, and so society has turned as it has, and this is totally wrong’. But the reason economists assume selfishness is in order to better promote cooperation. And in fact, it has been proven to work. All countries which have developed a market economy in accordance with the ideas of Adam Smith show a high level of cooperation between people and high moral standards, whereas all countries which did not follow Adam Smith and did not develop a market economy show a relatively low spirit of cooperation and a relatively low moral standard. This is evident by comparing China and America.

In the many disasters that humanity has known, why do good people not do good things? I think one important reason is that we’ve assumed too much good of people, and as a result we’ve all turned out to be bad guys, whereas if we’d assumed people to be bad guys, they might have turned out to be good. Look at our emperor, in the past, we assumed that the emperor was a saint, that he served the people wholeheartedly, while if we’d assumed early that the emperor was selfish, that he had his own interests, and that government officials are also greedy, then we would have gone into a democratic system early and we would not have experienced so many disasters, including the disasters of the cultural revolution and the great leap forward. If we’d developed a market economy, there would have been no great leap forward, there would have been no terrible mess, and there would have been no cultural revolution, so the market itself is humanistic in a way. And so I believe this point, stressed by professor Mao, is particularly important.

We economists must recognize our own limitations, especially when we deal with issues using mathematical methods, what is important, and what is not important does not depend on the thing itself, but on the way mathematics deal with the thing, and assuming that something doesn’t exist because it can’t be dealt with mathematically, that is terrible. Therefore, many theories, including conclusions reached by the general equilibrium theory, are wrong, wrong in their completely unrealistic assumptions; wrong in that they are economic theories which were supposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the market, and all they did is tarnish its reputation. When many economists today speak about ‘market failure’, it is not actually market failure, but market theory failure, and yet we think it is a failure of the market. This is a very sad thing. So economists must constantly reflect on their own practice.

Finally, I will use a simple exemple to explain what humanistic economics should study. An economist, driving a car on a trip, got lost on the way. He found a farmer, and asked the farmer where to go. The farmer politely gave him directions. The economist, in order to show off his knowledge, said: ‘I bet I can count how many sheep you have in ten seconds.’ The farmer said: that’s not possible, if you guess the right number, I’ll give you a sheep. The economist said: ‘you’ve got 783 sheep’. The farmer was very surprised, ‘so many sheep, and you picked the right number’. As the economist was ready to go on his way, the farmer said: ‘wait a minute, I also want to make a bet: if I can guess what you work as, you’ll give me back what you took from me’. The economist said ‘no problem’. The farmer said, you’re an economist. The economist said, how do you know I am an economist? The farmer said, the figures are right, but you took my dog, not a sheep.

Julien Leyre website

Chinese Union Version Übersetzung Rudolf Brockhaus (1856-1932)
保罗来到特庇,又到路司得。在那里有一个门徒,名叫提摩太,是信主之犹太妇人的儿子,他父亲却是希利尼人。 1 Er gelangte aber nach Derbe und Lystra. Und siehe, daselbst war ein gewisser Jünger, mit Namen Timotheus, der Sohn eines jüdischen gläubigen Weibes, aber eines griechischen Vaters; 
路司得和以哥念的弟兄都称赞他。 2 welcher ein gutes Zeugnis hatte von den Brüdern in Lystra und Ikonium. 
保罗要带他同去,只因那些地方的犹太人都知道他父亲是希利尼人,就给他行了割礼。 3 Paulus wollte, daß dieser mit ihm ausgehe, und er nahm und beschnitt ihn um der Juden willen, die in jenen Orten waren; denn sie kannten alle seinen Vater, daß er ein Grieche war. 
他们经过各城,把耶路撒冷使徒和长老所定的条规交给门徒遵守。 4 Als sie aber die Städte durchzogen, teilten sie ihnen zur Beobachtung die Beschlüsse mit, welche von den Aposteln und Ältesten in Jerusalem festgesetzt waren. 
於是众教会信心越发坚固,人数天天加增。 5 Die Versammlungen nun wurden im Glauben befestigt und vermehrten sich täglich an Zahl. 
圣灵既然禁止他们在亚西亚讲道,他们就经过弗吕家、加拉太一带地方。 6 Sie durchzogen aber Phrygien und die galatische Landschaft, nachdem sie von dem Heiligen Geiste verhindert worden waren, das Wort in Asien zu reden; 
到了每西亚的边界,他们想要往庇推尼去,Jesu 的灵却不许。 7 als sie aber gegen Mysien hin kamen, versuchten sie nach Bithynien zu reisen, und der Geist Jesu erlaubte es ihnen nicht. 
他们就越过每西亚,下到特罗亚去。 8 Als sie aber an Mysien vorübergezogen waren, gingen sie nach Troas hinab. 
在夜间有异象现与保罗。有一个马其顿人站着求他说:请你过到马其顿来帮助我们。 9 Und es erschien dem Paulus in der Nacht ein Gesicht: Ein gewisser macedonischer Mann stand da und bat ihn und sprach: Komm herüber nach Macedonien und hilf uns! 
保罗既看见这异象,我们随即想要往马其顿去,以为神召我们传福音给那里的人听。 10 Als er aber das Gesicht gesehen hatte, suchten wir alsbald nach Macedonien abzureisen, indem wir schlossen, daß der Herr uns gerufen habe, ihnen das Evangelium zu verkündigen. 
於是从特罗亚开船,一直行到 Samothrace,第二天到了尼亚波利。 11 Wir fuhren nun von Troas ab und kamen geraden Laufs nach Samothrace, und des folgenden Tages nach Neapolis, 
从那里来到 Philippi,就是马其顿这一方的头一个城,也是罗马的驻防城。我们在这城里住了几天。 12 und von da nach Philippi, welches die erste Stadt jenes Teiles von Macedonien ist, eine Kolonie. In dieser Stadt aber verweilten wir einige Tage. 
当安息日,我们出城门,到了河边,知道那里有一个祷告的地方,我们就坐下对那聚会的妇女讲道。 13 Und am Tage des Sabbaths gingen wir hinaus vor das Tor an einen Fluß, wo es gebräuchlich war, das Gebet zu verrichten; und wir setzten uns nieder und redeten zu den Weibern, die zusammengekommen waren. 
有一个卖 purpuer 布疋的妇人,名叫吕底亚,是 Thyatira 城的人,素来敬拜神。他听见了,主就开导他的心,叫他留心听保罗所讲的话。 14 Und ein gewisses Weib, mit Namen Lydia, eine Purpurkrämerin aus der Stadt Thyatira, welche Gott anbetete, hörte zu, deren Herz der Herr auftat, daß sie achtgab auf das, was von Paulus geredet wurde. 
他和他一家既领了洗,便求我们说:你们若以为我是真信主的(或作:你们若以为我是忠心事主的),请到我家里来住。於是强留我们。 15 Als sie aber getauft worden war und ihr Haus, bat sie und sagte: Wenn ihr urteilet, daß ich dem Herrn treu sei, so kehret in mein Haus ein und bleibet. Und sie nötigte uns. 
後来,我们往那祷告的地方去。有一个使女迎着面来,他被巫鬼所附,用法术,叫他主人们大得财利。 16 Es geschah aber, als wir zum Gebet gingen, daß uns eine gewisse Magd begegnete, die einen Wahrsagergeist hatte, welche ihren Herren vielen Gewinn brachte durch Wahrsagen. 
他跟随保罗和我们,und schrie und 说:这些人是至高神的仆人,对你们传说救人的道。 17 Diese folgte dem Paulus und uns nach und schrie und sprach: Diese Menschen sind Knechte Gottes, des Höchsten, die euch den Weg des Heils verkündigen. 
他一连多日这样schrie,保罗就心中厌烦,转身对那鬼说:我奉 Jesu 基督的名, ich gebiete 你从他身上出来!那鬼当时就出来了。 18 Dies aber tat sie viele Tage. Paulus aber, tiefbetrübt, wandte sich um und sprach zu dem Geiste: Ich gebiete dir in dem Namen Jesu Christi, von ihr auszufahren! Und er fuhr aus zu derselben Stunde. 
使女的主人们见得利的指望没有了,便 griffen 保罗和西拉,拉他们到市上去见首领; 19 Als aber ihre Herren sahen, daß die Hoffnung auf ihren Gewinn dahin war, griffen sie Paulus und Silas und schleppten sie auf den Markt zu den Vorstehern. 
又带到官长面前说:这些人原是犹太人,ganz und gar 骚扰我们的城, 20 Und sie führten sie zu den Hauptleuten und sprachen: Diese Menschen, welche Juden sind, verwirren ganz und gar unsere Stadt 
传我们罗马人所不可受不可行的规矩。 21 und verkündigen Gebräuche, die uns nicht erlaubt sind anzunehmen noch auszuüben, da wir Römer sind. 
众人就一同起来攻击他们。官长 befahlen 剥了他们的衣裳,用 Ruten um sie zu 打; 22 Und die Volksmenge erhob sich zugleich wider sie, und die Hauptleute rissen ihnen die Kleider ab und befahlen, sie mit Ruten zu schlagen. 
打了许多 Schläge,便将他们下在监里,und befahle dem 禁卒严紧看守。 23 Und als sie ihnen viele Schläge gegeben hatten, warfen sie sie ins Gefängnis und befahlen dem Kerkermeister, sie sicher zu verwahren. 
禁卒领了这样的命,就把他们下在内监里,两脚上了木狗。 24 Dieser warf sie, als er solchen Befehl empfangen hatte, in das innerste Gefängnis und befestigte ihre Füße in dem Stock. 
约在半夜,保罗和西拉祷告,唱诗赞美神,众囚犯也侧耳而听。 25 Um Mitternacht aber beteten Paulus und Silas und lobsangen Gott; und die Gefangenen hörten ihnen zu. 
忽然,地大震动,甚至监牢的地基都摇动了,监门立刻全开,众囚犯的锁炼也都松开了。 26 Plötzlich aber geschah ein großes Erdbeben, so daß die Grundfesten des Gefängnisses erschüttert wurden; und alsbald öffneten sich alle Türen, und aller Bande wurden gelöst. 
禁卒一醒,看见监门全开,以为囚犯已经逃走,就拔刀要自杀。 27 Als aber der Kerkermeister aus dem Schlafe aufwachte und die Türen des Gefängnisses geöffnet sah, zog er das Schwert und wollte sich umbringen, indem er meinte, die Gefangenen wären entflohen. 
保罗大声呼叫说:不要伤害自己!我们都在这里。 28 Paulus aber rief mit lauter Stimme und sprach: Tue dir nichts Übles, denn wir sind alle hier. 
禁卒叫人拿灯来,就跳进去,战战兢兢的俯伏在保罗、西拉面前; 29 Er aber forderte Licht und sprang hinein; und zitternd fiel er vor Paulus und Silas nieder. 
又领他们出来,说:二位先生,我当怎样行才可以得救? 30 Und er führte sie heraus und sprach: Ihr Herren, was muß ich tun, auf daß ich errettet werde? 
他们说:当信主 Jesus,你和你一家都必得救。 31 Sie aber sprachen: Glaube an den Herrn Jesus, und du wirst errettet werden, du und dein Haus. 
他们就把主的道讲给他和他全家的人听。 32 Und sie redeten das Wort des Herrn zu ihm samt allen, die in seinem Hause waren. 
当夜,就在那时候,禁卒把他们带去,洗他们的伤;他和属乎他的人立时都受了洗。 33 Und er nahm sie in jener Stunde der Nacht zu sich und wusch ihnen die Striemen ab; und er wurde getauft, er und alle die Seinigen alsbald. 
於是禁卒领他们上自己家里去,给他们摆上饭。他和全家,因为信了神,都很喜乐。 34 Und er führte sie hinauf in sein Haus, setzte ihnen einen Tisch vor und frohlockte, an Gott gläubig geworden, mit seinem ganzen Hause. 
到了天亮,官长打发差役来,说:释放那两个人罢。 35 Als es aber Tag geworden war, sandten die Hauptleute die Rutenträger und sagten: Laß jene Menschen los. 
禁卒就把这话告诉保罗说:官长打发人来叫释放你们,如今可以出监,平平安安的去罢。 36 Der Kerkermeister aber berichtete dem Paulus diese Worte: Die Hauptleute haben gesandt, daß ihr losgelassen würdet; so gehet denn jetzt hinaus und ziehet hin in Frieden. 
保罗却说:我们是罗马人,并没有定罪,他们就在众人面前打了我们,又把我们下在监里,现在要私下 stoßen 我们出去么?这是不行的。叫他们自己来领我们出去罢! 37 Paulus aber sprach zu ihnen: Nachdem sie uns, die wir Römer sind, öffentlich unverurteilt geschlagen, haben sie uns ins Gefängnis geworfen, und jetzt stoßen sie uns heimlich aus? Nicht doch; sondern laß sie selbst kommen und uns hinausführen. 
差役把这话回禀官长。官长听见他们是罗马人,就害怕了, 38 Die Rutenträger aber meldeten diese Worte den Hauptleuten; und sie fürchteten sich, als sie hörten, daß sie Römer seien. 
於是来劝他们,领他们出来,请他们离开那城。 39 Und sie kamen und redeten ihnen zu; und sie führten sie hinaus und baten sie, daß sie aus der Stadt gehen möchten. 
二人出了监,往吕底亚家里去;见了弟兄们,ermahnten 他们一番,就走了。 40 Als sie aber aus dem Gefängnis herausgegangen waren, gingen sie zu der Lydia; und als sie die Brüder gesehen hatten, ermahnten sie sie und gingen weg. 





联合国负责人权事务的助理秘书长西蒙诺维奇星期二告诉联合国安理会成员说,叙利亚冲突每个月月剥夺了5000人的生命,而且根据记录在案的事件,有儿童遭到拘捕、折磨并被处决。 他说,可被归类于大屠杀的杀戮行动在不断增多。




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在11月7日俄罗斯“十月革命”一百周年之际,白宫新闻秘书办公室发表声明,宣布这一天为“全国纪念共产主义受害者日”(National Day for the Victims of Communism)。




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台湾外交部9月23日中午召开临时记者会,向外界正式说明台湾没有接到出席第39届国际民航组织大会的邀请函 。台湾外交部长李大维说:“本人必须在此非常遗憾地向各位报告,我们没有收到ICAO的邀请函。对于这样的结果,政府表示强烈地遗憾与不满。这是一项错误的决定!”







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China Newsweek Artikel

Allow power to operate in the sunlight

To allow power to operate in the sunlight, the people’s congresses should take on more responsibility, including selection of officials and control over the public purse. Only in this way will power be able to operate in the sunlight; there is no second option.

Recently “Qiu Shi” (“Seeking Truth”) magazine has published State Council Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech of 26 March at the State Council’s Fifth Working Conference on Building a Clean Government entitled “Allowing power to operate in the sunlight”. The issue discussed in the full-text of the speech is how to prevent corruption and build a clean government, and under this rubric, it really has pointed out the way to preventing corruption amongst officials: the open, transparent operation of power. To attain this, the reform of political institutions must be actively pushed forward, and the open, transparent operation of power realised in two most important realms.

The first is openness and transparency in the employment procedure for officials. When Wen Jiabao was reviewing the achievements in his term of office in the prevention of corruption and the building of a clean government, he ranked “strengthening government-system construction” at number one; this included setting up a sound scientific-and-democratic policy and decision-making system, advancing reform of the public administration’s system for granting approvals, reducing the number of items subject to approval, looking into the setting up of a government performance management system, and setting up and strictly enforcing an administrative accountability system focussed on administrative heads. For 2012, the number one task in the work of corruption prevention and building a clean government is to intensively advance reform of the public administration’s approvals system.

These system transformations are, of course, extremely important, however, they have not yet touched on the heart of the matter and that is: the employment of officials. The reason why the procedure for employment of officials is important is very simple: the procedure stipulates who decides who the officials are, and it is this which will ultimately determine who exactly an official is responsible to.

China’s various political issues at the present time, including the root-cause of the corrupt-official problem, all rest on the fact that, at each level of government and in each ministry, the important officials are appointed from above; because of this they are responsible only to their superiors.

The only way to change this situation is to reform the employment procedure for officials. China has already implemented direct elections for people’s congress deputies in the counties and in the cities not-divided-into-districts, implemented the villagers’ autonomy system at village-level and, further, has implemented competitive elections in the Central Committee.

Competitive elections are a major reform and advance in China’s electoral system. In 1979, the Second Session of the Fifth NPC passed a new electoral law; its conversion of single-candidate elections to competitive elections was a highlight. One of the points in the “Guiding Principles for Inner-Party Political Life”, passed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee in 1980, provided specifically for inner-Party elections and, for the first time in CPC history, mentioned competitive elections.

Regarding this item of political reform, at last year’s Two Sessions, Premier Wen Jiabao replied to a journalist’s question in this way, “This is a progressive step-by-step process. But believe me, the masses can run a village well, and can run a township well, and can run a county well, this requires a process.

The other transformation of extreme importance is: transforming the budget estimates system.

Corruption and misuse of public powers amongst officials generally takes two forms: One type sets rents and exploits subordinates or ordinary people, for example, by trading money for favours. The other type is embezzlement of public funds, or civil-service corruption, for example, the “three expenses” spending (spending on overseas trips, vehicles and hospitality), which over the past few years the people have reacted to extremely strongly, but which keeps on happening despite repeated prohibitions. Premier Wen Jiabao also reiterated that this year “three expenses” funding is going to be strictly controlled. The problem is that, under the present budget estimates institution, it will be difficult to control the “three expenses” spending effectively. This is because, under the present estimates system, government officials monopolise the power to draw up estimates, how the government spends Treasury funds is almost completely up to government officials, and they might possibly first spend money on themselves.

To achieve systemic change in corruption amongst officials and to check the “three expenses” spending, fundamental transformations must be made to the estimates system. In his speech, Premier Wen Jiabao has clearly proposed the need to vigorously advance disclosure of budget estimates and final statements, further expanding the scope of disclosure and providing more detailed breakdown of content. State Council departments and work units submitting departmental estimates to the CPC for examination must disclose all reports of estimates and final statements, and have accounting items broken down to accounting section level; payments for education, healthcare, social security and employment, three rural issues, and low-income housing must be broken down to accounting item level. We need to further standardise disclosure time-limits and methods, advance the standardisation of disclosure for estimates and final statements, and allow the common people to see and understand, and to better accept social supervision.

However, this alone is not enough; it is also necessary to trace back further to the linkage where the budget estimates are drawn up, and plug at source the channel whereby officials scatter money about. The administrative officials who are responsible for spending money can take part in formulating estimates but the main power to draw up estimates can never be in their hands. To allow public finance to be used in its proper place, and to avoid private use of public money by administrative officials, the authority of people’s congresses and their standing committees at each level to budget must be strengthened. With people’s congress standing committees setting up special bodies responsible for drawing up annual financial estimates, and with the estimates being deliberated and passed by people’s congresses, the administrative departments will keep strictly to their budgets.

To be sure, these two items of system transformation both point to transformations in the people’s congress system. The sunlight to shine on the operation of power that Wen Jiabao was talking about can only come from the people. Only by allowing the sunlight of the people to shine on key linkages of the operation of power, will power be able to be controlled effectively, will officials know better than to misuse their powers, and will power be able to be of service to the people and not be placed above the people.

Therefore, to allow power to operate in the sunlight, the people’s congresses should take on more responsibility, including selection of officials and control over the public purse. And these two things are indeed major functions of the people’s congresses stipulated in the Constitution. Therefore reform is nothing more than putting into effect constitutional provisions, and allowing the people’s congresses and their standing committees to play a greater role in China’s actual political life. Only in this way will power be able to operate in the sunlight; there is no second option.

To be sure, for the people’s congresses and their standing committees to play a role in the areas of employment of officials and budgeting will require adjustment of the relationship between the governing party, the administrative bodies and the people’s congresses and their standing committees, and the people’s congresses and their standing committees’ own composition and operational mechanism will also need profound reform. This kind of reform should become a major focus of effort in the reform of the political institutions.

Zhongguo Xinwen Zhoukan (China Newsweek) 2012(14), 23 April, p.4







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Yi Jing 易經 頤 Yi Die Mundwinkel (die Ernährung)


Richard Wilhelm


Anfangs eine Neun bedeutet: Du läßt Deine Zauberschildkröte fahren und blickst nach mir mit herabhängenden Mundwinkeln. Unheil!

Sechs auf zweitem Platz bedeutet: Nach dem Gipfel sich wenden um Ernährung. Vom Wege abweichen, um von dem Hügel Ernährung zu suchen: Wenn man so fortmacht, bringt es Unheil.

Sechs auf drittem Platz bedeutet: Abweichen von der Ernährung. Beharrlichkeit bringt Unheil. Zehn Jahre handle nicht danach. Nichts ist fördernd.

Sechs auf viertem Platz bedeutet: Nach dem Gipfel sich wenden um Ernährung bringt Heil. Mit scharfen Augen wie ein Tiger umherspähen in unersättlichem Begehren. Kein Makel.

Sechs auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: Abweichen vom Weg. Bleiben in Beharrlichkeit bringt Heil. Man soll nicht das große Wasser durchqueren.

Oben eine Neun bedeutet: Die Quelle der Ernährung. Bewußtsein der Gefahr bringt Heil. Fördernd ist es, das große Wasser zu durchqueren.

James Legge


The first NINE, undivided, (seems to be thus addressed), 'You leave your efficacious tortoise, and look at me till your lower jaw hangs down.' There will be evil.

The second SIX, divided, shows one looking downwards for nourishment, which is contrary to what is proper; or seeking it from the height, advance towards which will lead to evil.

The third SIX, divided, shows one acting contrary to the method of nourishing. However firm he may be, there will be evil. For ten years let him not take any action,it will not be in any way advantageous.

The fourth SIX, divided, shows one looking downwards for (the power to) nourish. There will be good fortune. Looking with a tiger's downward unwavering glare, and with his desire that impels him to spring after spring, he will fall into no error.

The fifth SIX, divided, shows one acting contrary to what is regular and proper; but if he abide in firmness, there will be good fortune. He should not, (however, try to) cross the great stream.

The sixth NINE, undivided, shows him from whom comes the nourishing. His position is perilous, but there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream.





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